
It interesting that after two executive sessions on narrowing down a candidate for the internal auditor position, there has been NO announcements or confirmation that someone has been chosen.

The deafening silence coming from council leadership isn’t helping either.

You wonder if the dirt fools controlling the process were too quick to put all of their eggs in one basket, and the basket fell off of Humpty Dumpty’s wall?

Sometimes Fascism backfires.


So a top official with state government leaves after 14 years of service and no reason is given. Hopefully he doesn’t go pheasant hunting by himself and a 5 foot branch;

An aide to Daugaard said last week that Dilges was placed on indefinite administrative leave pending a final decision on his status. Chief of Staff Tony Venhuizen said the matter didn’t involve criminal allegations or the handling of state funds, but declined to offer additional details.

So what other reasons would there be? If it is health reasons, why not just tell us it is ‘personal matters’. If he didn’t do anything ‘criminal’ why can’t we be told?

The rumors in Pierre is that he dropped the ball big time in preparing this year’s budget (not embezzlement or fraud) but incompetence. Not sure if that is true, because just like EB-5 and Gear Up, the Republicans are tight lipped about mishandling our money.


Whadda I tell you!

Mike said on the B-N-B show this morning that he understands why Trump gets frustrated with the press when they spread BS.

Oh the irony.

Fact checkers determined that during the campaign, 70% of what Trump said was pure BS. Let’s talk about how frustrating it is to listen to politicians spread it.

I will say this, I do understand why the city decided to NOT plow the residential streets. Next week it will probably be warm enough, that it will melt anyway. But what was told to us is questionable. When the city decided to not plow the residential streets they did say they would hit ‘troubled areas’ of residential streets with sand and chemical. I have not seen that, and many people are saying they have not either. Also, take into account the latest announcement that for the first time that I can remember, the city doesn’t have the staff to plow the streets so they are reaching out to part-time independent contractors (mostly farmers) to help with snow removal over the winter.

There has also been this ‘skip it’ attitude over the past couple of years with plowing the residential streets if;

• It is early winter and it may melt

• It is a small snow fall

• It is early spring, and it may melt

While I am all for the city saving money, I question the damage being done to vehicles because the city isn’t providing a service we pay for, snow removal and maintaining safe streets.

Seems odd we can scrounge up over a million a year to subsidize a luxury like an indoor pool, but we have to drive over chunky, icy streets to get to this pool.

The question that is ringing in every one’s ear – is the city going broke when we have to pinch pennies with snow removal? Next thing you know the city will be tapping Labor Ready to run the Finance and Engineering department. Hey, I guess if it is good enough for the Events Center, it is good enough for city hall.

I was discussing this with a friend today, and my best guess is that the State Theatre project has been going on for about 16 years (if anybody else has the real date, fill me in). I was impressed that they did a special showing of a classic movie a few weeks ago. I thought it was a great fund raising idea. Obviously, doing these kind of events during the hottest months of Summer or the Coldest months of winter, wouldn’t be economical, but I think during the Spring and Fall, an occasional Saturday showing would be cool.

While many are frustrated with the progress of the theatre, I will always give them credit for doing a truly ‘historical’ restoration. Something that is rarely done in Sioux Falls. These things take time and are costly. But I think after 16 years, people are getting antcy.