South DaCola

Mike Rounds proves just how creepy he really is

Funny for a guy who weaseled his way out of the EB-5 scandals, he sure is paranoid of who is calling him. I even cracked a joke the other night, the reason I like being involved in local government is because I can call my local lawmakers (city and county) and they will talk to me about concerns, where if you have to get a hold of our DC delegation – good luck. Now it appears, Rounds is doing background checks on people who just want to ask him a question. Super creepy;

But Ellis smelled something else fishy about Senator Rounds’s response. It was addressed to Ellis by her full name, including her middle name, which she did not give over the phone. It was sent to her son’s e-mail address, which she did not provide to the Senator’s staff. Ellis’s son has never provided that e-mail address to Senator Rounds’s office; Ellis says her son has never contacted any elected official and has zero political involvement. (She’s working on changing that.)

Curious, Ellis called the office back. She asked about her son’s e-mail address; Rounds staff couldn’t explain how that address had gotten into their system. She asked about the use of her middle name; Rounds staff said something about how birth certificates are public record.

Umm… really? The South Dakota Department of Health says birth records are not open for public inspection. You can’t just go browsing birth certificates; you have to file an application and pay a fee.

This is the kind of crazy 1984 crap these people believe in. I warned people about how twisted Mr. Rounds was when he was running for senate, and it seems it continues.

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