South DaCola

Councilor Stehly explains her position on Districting the Parks Board

The Argus ED board gave Stehly the opportunity to respond to their ridiculous ‘sky is falling’ editorial about the Parks Board;

Just as we have district representatives on the council, this would allow a seat at the table for all areas of Sioux Falls on this board. I have been very impressed with the level of concern that our district council members have demonstrated for the whole community, while being available in a special way to hear the concerns of their own area of town. This is the desired benefit of the Park Board ordinance.

As we grow in diversity, population and geography, more representation is a good thing for our citizens. We need to make conscious efforts to stay connected to all the people in our wonderful community. I am grateful that we are able to have a discussion about it and I encourage the citizens of Sioux Falls to weigh in on it. Please feel free to call me at 605-929-8783.

Seems like common sense government to me. Maybe they could use some of that common sense at their ED board meetings in the future instead of kneeling to the desires of city hall.

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