South DaCola

Were the Gear-Up trials just a ‘SHOW’?

So two of the accused were acquitted and one of them got a heck of a plea deal. The problem though with these trials were they only focused on the individuals who worked for the organizations and NOT the consultants. It also swirled around a very small amount of money in the bigger scheme of things. (The trials focused on around $1 million when in essence around $60 million is missing).

Like EB-5, it seems the ‘dead guy’ was blamed. But unlike EB-5, dozens of consultants walked away with millions and little to show for the work they did.

As a team of USD Political Science students showed on the big board of yarn, there were many players in the Gear-Up scandal. Why weren’t they dragged into a courtroom? Were these 3 mini cases simply a deflection of the bigger scammers? And by the State (AG Jackley) losing these cases a way of putting this all to bed?

I just find it a little odd that the small players (and dead guy) were put on trial yet NONE of the consultants who took millions in Federal Grant money had to appear in a court room.

The Gear-Up scandal stinks to high heaven and it is a distinct possibility the real crooks in this matter got away.

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