South DaCola

City of Sioux Falls to hire Police Recruiter

The city is going to add a person to the already crowded HR department and pay them between $63-70K a year to read police officer applications. Since the rules have changed and the city can now train it’s own officers it makes sense to have someone who can recruit and retain officers.

But I have some concerns. First the obvious, while most jobs listed on employment sites for the city pay around $12 an hour (seasonal part-time) I’m curious about paying someone this much especially when starting pay for officers is around $50K a year. Secondly, while the HR department should have someone specializing in this, I hardly think this will take up 40 hours a week. They could easily have another person in the office handling this. Also remember this person is essentially a screener, I’m sure applicants that make it thru the process will be interviewed by the Police Chief before being hired. It would probably be cheaper to hire a consultant to find applicants than having a full-time person. This is how the city has operated for a very long time, throwing pennies to the union minions and big time salaries to mid-management to work from their basements.

The city does need to recruit officers, but seriously, use the overpaid staff you already have in HR.

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