Okay, I know, I know, I am a cynical bastard sometimes, but I can’t help to wonder what they are thinking with propping up Rick Weiland for their Senate candidate?

Of course, a possible governor run by Herseth-Sandlin has it’s appeal, for once, the Dems just might be able to take back the governor’s office (that is if she decides to run).

But Weiland? Don’t get me wrong, Rick, in most senses of the word is a ‘True’ Democrat, but not sure how that will bode with SD Voters.

Rick has a uphill battle. Besides NEVER winning an election, he has been out of the game for at least a decade. That, and they will hang the lobbyist thing around his neck like you wouldn’t believe. Also take into account that Rounds has a great record of winning, and the amount of money that will be flowing into his campaign treasure chest will be enormous. Weiland will probably be outspent 2 or 3-1.

Rick, on the other hand has some things going for him. He knows how Washington works (or for that matter doesn’t work) and Rounds has a horrible record when it comes to transparency, spending and nepotism. Those three issues alone could sink him.

BUT, Rick needs to get out ahead of the game, and fast. He needs to pound those issues and not get caught up in a catchup, putting out the fire game like Heidy-Scott experienced.

Rick also needs to get the SD Dems organized, and quickly. No more chili feeds on the reservation and FB fiddling around. The Dems need to knock on doors, and take this campaign to every city, small town and county in this state. That means boots on the ground, because we know Rounds will be busy dumping leaflets from the back of his airplane.

Rick also doesn’t have a voting record that can be held against him, besides being a wealthy lobbyist, he really doesn’t have any cobwebs in his closet, and if anything, propping his wonderful family up on a pedestal will do him well. His wife alone has virtually single-handily made the State Theatre a reality and with the help of her very talented children runs one of the most successful DTSF restaurants. Rick has done well in this department and needs to exploit this to high heaven.

In a nutshell, Mike Rounds disgusts me to no end. The man’s entire political career has been of helping himself and his family to the feeding trough of the taxpayer. Rick needs to drive this point home, hard.

Can Rick beat Marion Mike Rounds? Sure, but he better come out swinging, and he better do it soon, because the fight bell has already rung.