How does one make a zombie?

This is a great question, and it deserves to be explored at length… over and over again. Everyone should know how to make a zombie. We aren’t going to require any voodoo ingredients. Instead, we’ll need to take a trip to your local liquor store. I’m not usually one for umbrella drinks, but put a few of these in me and I start to stumble around and moan at people.

1 oz Apricot Brandy
1 oz light or Puerto Rican rum
1 oz dark or Jamaican rum
1 oz lemon juice
1 oz lime juice
dashes grenadine
orange juice
1 oz 151

In a cocktail shaker, mix light & dark rums and brandy. Add lemon and lime juice and dashes grenadine. Shake well and strain into a higball glass filled with ice. Fill glass with orange juice leaving room to float 1 oz of 151. Garnish with cherry, orange slice, pinapple wedge.