Zed de la Muerte

Sioux Falls Zombie Walk – Z minus 2 Days!

Play Dead for Charity

There is a great Zombie Walk write up in the Argus Leader today.

There are two corrections I’d like to submit here:
1. The Zombie Walk starts at 6PM, not 5PM as stated in the article. You can get your makeup done by our crew of experts, Get Dead Inc., from 3PM – 5:30PM.

2. There is a 4th band that was omitted. The Blues Bashers are closing out the night.

SouthDacola Movie Club with Zed de la Muerte



Oh wait.. If you’ve seen the trailer for this movie, then you’ve already had the entire movie spoiled for you. Most, if not ALL, of the clever and original parts made the trailer. So really all you are waiting to see is the one redeeming cameo about halfway through this 1hr 20min film. This movie plays out less like an apocalyptic zombie movie than it tries to be “Nick & Nora’s Infinite Playlist of the Living Dead”. Character development and storyline takes a back seat to sight gags and the awkward teenage crush that the movie seems to be founded on.  Initially I had nice things to say about it. The more I think about it the more it really irks me that it was played to be this end of the world zombie comedy, and instead we were being sold a soundtrack and set up for a sequel. Zombie movies don’t have sequels. There are no happy endings in the land of the walking dead. EVER! I give it 6/10 brains, just for creative zombie kills and Emma Stone is hot carrying that cannon around.

Emma Stone

Post of the Living Dead (ZW plus 5)

Every year I stress hard for about the last week leading up the Zombie Walk. This year was no different. I say things like, “I’m done promoting” and “This is my last year.” I get all weird about the turnout, press coverage, volunteers and how much beer we’ll need.

I am happy to announce that the 3rd Annual Sioux Falls Zombie Walk was a complete success.
We had 309 undead on the walk, raised $1000 for the State Theatre, and donated 145lbs of food to the Sioux Falls Food Pantry. We drank 2.3 kegs of free beer and watched four fantastic bands, which included the debut performance of The Electric Super Wumpus!

If you missed it this year, you should feel bad. If you miss it next year, you’ll never forgive yourself.
The 4th Annual Sioux Falls Zombie Walk falls on HALLOWEEN!

The winners of the zombie costume contest were:
Funniest Zombie: The Scooby Doo Gang

Most Deadicated Zombie: Scuba Snip

Most Offensive Zombie: Escaping Fetus Zombie

And Best Overall Zombie: ZOMBIE JESUS!

I also want to take a minute and thank everyone who volunteered that night and the nights leading up to the ZW. This walk couldn’t happen without your help. So, thank you Eric, Adrienne, Kim, Kelly, Dylan, Gwee, Captain, Robyn, Josh, Liz & Sarah, Mike, Alex and anyone else I might be forgetting right at the moment. A special huge thanks goes out to Detroit. Your posters are truly works of art. Once again, you set the bar a little higher for next year’s poster/flier/billboard. My head is off to you.

Undeadly Yours,
