South Dakotans

South Dakota Election Predictions

I can’t predict the presidential race, but I can very much guarantee Harris will win the popular vote by over 10 million. Unfortunately we act like this is 1910 and we use an old out dated electoral system based on pony express, so yes, MAGAts, your guy has a chance.

I think the Dems will take the house and the Repugs take the Senate.

As for the local referendums, initiatives, referrals and amendments, let’s go!

• CON AMEND E, this has to do with changing gender in our Constitution to include women. While I believe this will pass by 80% of the vote, don’t be surprised to see a ton of undervotes. I had a prominent Democrat woman tell me she voted NO. She said, I served many years, and the state constitution didn’t prevent me from serving.

• CON AMEND F, this has to do with changing Medicaid to have a work requirement. We have a 2.1% unemployment rate in SD, anybody who isn’t working CAN’T. I think this will fail by 55%. People in this state have a problem with the legislature messing with our initiatives.

• REF LAW 21, this will also go down in flames with the landowners winning. I think it will fail by 70% of the vote or more, same as above, screw our legislature and how out of touch they are with our issues.

• IM29, Legalizing Rec MJ, unfortunately polling has been erratic, but the pot folks haven’t seen a positive yet and I think they are losing ground, unfortunately, this will probably fail by 52%. I guess peeps will just have to keep smoking diet weed. Hopefully when pot gets ready for retail sales in Minnesota they will have bus tours to Luverne. I still think if Harris makes it in the WH, we will get Federal legalization within 5 years, and many peeps minor pot felonies will be erased from their records.

• IM 28, eliminating food tax. I have been enjoying all the Republican lawmakers in the state trying to pour cold water on this, it is an immoral tax, most know that and it will easily pass by 70% of the vote. I think in the 2026 legislative session our unimaginative leg will pass a retail tax increase on all other goods actually hurting low income people even more. I call the food tax a boomerang effect, and why I almost voted against it.

• CON AMEND H, Open primaries will also pass by 70% or more. Half of registered voters in this state are Indies and we are fed up with the minority parties (that’s really what they are) controlling our elections.

• CON AMEND G, Abortion legalization, this will pass by 55% of the vote or more, but our idiots in Pierre will take this to the SDSC and have it overturned. Sorry Sodak ladies, you have to go to Minnesota for MJ, abortion and a decent pork chop on a stick.

*On a separate note I believe Dean Karsky will be booted from the Minnehaha County Commission, and if that happens I may just send him a ‘pleasant’ note about all of his years of service after getting APPOINTED and not actually elected into public service 🙁

It’s time to send Sue ‘Holy Water’ Peterson packing

I could go on and on about how awesome Ali Rae is, but most people already know that. I am here to plead with you to vote for Ali Rae and NOT Sue Peterson in District 13. Sue has consistently supported legislation that moves our state backwards but no surprise from person who has to pour holy water on state taxpayer owned property before having a meeting. Talk to any lobbyist in Pierre and they will tell you Sue Peterson is the most disliked legislator in Pierre because of her RADICAL NEO-CON policies and beliefs and her unwillingness to be Bi-Partisan in solving our state’s challenges. District 13 used to be a good district for Dems but it was gerrymandered into Lincoln county so we all know the battle to win this seat by a Democrat is a stretch and with so many Trump supporters in South Dakota it’s hard road to win as a Democrat. So I encourage people who support Ali Rae to give her money, volunteer for her, make calls for her, anything to send Sue packing.

An Exercise in Futility

This is what I call statewide elections in this state.

We go to the polls, elect a bunch of right winger block heads that create laws that no one really wants, never provide tax relief and take more rights and liberties* from us. Oh, but we correct all this by voting for referendums and initiatives that are progressive YET install conservative lawmakers. It is baffling.

*There is a progressive movement (not sure if Harris is on board) to rid ALL states of right to work laws thru Federal regulation.

Just look at the ballot measures. Not sure of the polling, but I am sure the new abortion law will pass, the open primaries will pass (the only vocal opposition is the party bosses, call a whaaaabulance), food tax cut will pass, Medicaid work requirement will fail and likely the referred law will get voted down.

So how is it that we continue to elect weirdos who pass very bad laws while keeping taxes high and throw cold water on them with the referendums?

It is an exercise in futility.

I hope with the passage of Open Primaries we can root some of these clowns out of the legislature.


We all know taking political advice from this guy is just a pass thru from his investor;

I know some people have this attitude that early voting is bad. I have never understood it. I have early voted probably over the past 15 years with a few exceptions. I will do the same today. My reason? If I have an emergency on election day, I already voted. I also have no idea where my musical precincts are each election. I have had my mind made up for months, so why not vote? The best part is NO LINES! I usually am in and out in 5 minutes or less.

When people tell you to not early vote, first ask them their benign reasoning then tell them to GFT!

Lying thru their effing teeth!

As I watched the referendum forum tonight I was flabbergasted by the sensational lies told by the opponents of abortion reform, rec MJ, work requirements, food tax and open primaries.

I tell people, if you have to LIE to defend your position, you have already lost the argument.

I have no idea how polling is on these measures, but I would really like to clarify some of the total bullsh!t coming from the opponents mouths, oh, and when pointed out, they took the Donald Trump playbook of double-downing on their lies, because they have nothing else.

• Abortion. The opponents keep saying you can have an abortion up until birth. Flat out lie. As the proponent of this measure said, “That is NOT an abortion, that is a delivery of a unviable fetus.” Exactly. This is a little personal for me. I have two close friends who delivered dead babies the first time they got pregnant. Not only are the emotional scars awful, that both of them still live with, they both understood that fetus needed to be removed so they didn’t become septic and died. I tell people often that abortion legalization is probably one of the greatest rights we have (had) in this country, which effects ALL of us.

• Rec MJ. Oh where to begin. I will just say watch Rhonda Milstead get herself in a bullsh!t tizzy over this, repeating lie, after lie and she would not back down. I have to give credit to Pat Lalley for leading the questions on this. The proponent, Matthew crushed it. I was surprised he wasn’t just out right laughing at the stats Rhonda was pulling from her ass. You have to wonder if she was stoned?

• Medicaid work requirements. I am opposed, as should everyone else, but the arguments of the proponents of this measure seemed like a parody of their position. I was audibly laughing at some of the anetedotes. We have a 2% unemployment rate in SD. Who the F’ck isn’t working?!? And as opponents of this measure pointed out, ‘People who are healthy are better workers.’ Do you think it sunk in on the other side?

• Food Tax elimination. Oh the fantastical web of lies the Retardtailors Association weaved tonight, like it would cost the state $656 million dollars in lost revenue and munis $51 Million in lost revenue. First off, the TardTailors are opposed because they like their customers paying taxes and not them, secondly, munis can still charge the tax, but it is a Catch 22. The state DOR collects all sales taxes and refunds munis. So why would the state DOR do this service to munis for free? They wouldn’t. So the $51 million in lost revenue is real, and over a quarter of that is Sioux Falls alone. As for the other number. Holy SHAT! The state doesn’t even collect that amount on total sales taxes each year and depends on the feds to supplement our budget by over 50% each year!!!!!! As the proponent of this measure said, Rickster the Griftster Weiland, oh crap, I can’t remember because he had so many zingers.

• Open primaries. I will say this, the parties are opposed because it will give more power to independent candidates. Don’t give them any latitude, the parties are destroying our political system in this country and it is time the largest voting block in this nation, indies, take back this country and tell the parties to GFTselves. As the proponent said, “Why are we letting 17% of the electorate decide our candidates in the general election?” Because the party bosses like it that way. I would like to thank Tom Daschle for converting me from Dem to Indy. His failed vote on the Iraq war told me that even the Dem party doesn’t understand diplomacy, or a lot of other things.

I helped elect mostly Republicans to the non-partisan Sioux Falls city council because they believed in that non-partisanship. Our parties now are lost, I have no clue what either stands for. They are ripping our country to shreds. While I think Donald Trump is a total loser, rapist, felon, liar and a complete racist he is right about one thing, our party system is bad. He of course wants to be a dictator, I just want America to be Great Again.