When you donate to guys like Joe Baca, one wonders? Not only does Mike have all kinds of money for his own campaign, he seems to be helping out a lot of other people to.

This is one place that separates the two candidates. While it is no secret that Mike is a Democrat and Kermit is a Republican it is safe to say that Kermit isn’t blinded by party politics. In fact he gets little support from the party since he plays a free agent most of the time and really considers himself a Libertarian. I was also impressed by the two signs Kermit had in his yard before the general election, Stehly (A Republican) and Hart (A Democrat). Kermit believes in people, not politics or parties. He believes in doing the right thing not just what is good  for the party.

After reading this donor list, it did not surprise me that Mike gave this much money. If he becomes mayor, will the partisan politics continue?

17 Thoughts on “Would Mike Huether be a partisan mayor?

  1. From Hisman’s own web site:

    “He is not tied to special interests”

    This line doesn’t remotely jive with his donor list and who he donates to.

    “and will do what is necessary versus politically popular.”

    Doesn’t jive with his Event’s Center answer.


    The more you learn about hisman the more apparent just how full of shit he actually is.

  2. l3wis on April 16, 2010 at 9:33 am said:

    I’ve known this all along Sy. Just listen to how he answers questions.

  3. Poly43 on April 16, 2010 at 9:59 am said:

    At his next public appearance or interview, what would you guess will be the over/under on how many times he says good folks of Sioux Falls?

    IMHO the guy is just way to eager to be everybodies bestest buddy. That argus chat is proof positive of that.

    But then, that’s what one should expect from a former first premier bankcard XO.

  4. Sy, is there any local topic you care about besides the EC? I’m not trying to be a dick. Honestly. No, really.

  5. sy seems to always post from the business owner perspective. i was wondering if he knows who the business owner/republican types might might be voting for in the election, since the majority of them spent time hammering kermit for being “mr. no”. it seems that heuthers true colors are that of a liberal democrat? will the country club crowd go along with that?

  6. Sure there is Scott, but to me that’s the key issue the City can actually do to spur long term growth for business owners across the region, not just in downtown SF. That said, Being in business downtown is tough unless your a bank, Sids, lawyer or VL joint.

    This town’s been good for many family & small firms over the years including yours & mine. I’d like to see it stay that way. People who are successful here spend, invest & donate here to.

  7. Poly43 on April 16, 2010 at 1:08 pm said:

    it seems that heuthers true colors are that of a liberal democrat? will the country club crowd go along with that?

    Good question Scott! I am considered, at least by Sy and perhaps a few others here, to be a liberal Dem. Also was a card carryin’ scum of the earth union member for a good deal of my prior life in the work world. I type this response to you now in large part because as a scumm suckin union guy I was afforded a working mans wages for a working mans work. Something this town has no friggin clue about. Must mean I’m a strong mymanmike supporter? NOT IN A MILLION YEARS. As is the case with other card carryin workers who know mymanmike for what he really is. PREDATOR.

  8. Costner on April 16, 2010 at 2:04 pm said:

    poly: As is the case with other card carryin workers who know mymanmike for what he really is. PREDATOR.

    This is just begging for a l3wis original toon featuring a modified version of the pedobear holding a credit card with a FP logo on the front.

  9. l3wis on April 16, 2010 at 2:20 pm said:

    I think not.

  10. Poly43 on April 16, 2010 at 2:21 pm said:

    Had no clue what a pedobear was til I googled it. Made me instantly think of the pedobear wearing a Steelers jersey with number 7 on it.

  11. CCFlyer on April 16, 2010 at 4:14 pm said:

    Isn’t this a non-partisan race? I mean crap honestly I know a bunch of republicans that supported Mike and I know a good amount of Blue-Collar Dems that supported Kermit.

  12. CC-

    You are right. It should be non-partisan. The Mason-Dixon poll showed that Kermit has strong support amongst Dems, Repubs and Indies, because he is non-partisan. But with Mike hiring a very partisan strategist, one wonders.

  13. Yes, it should be non partisan, but it may not remain that way.

    In touching on scott’s question, the conservative country club/business crowd (or at least the ones I’ve talked to) had a little bit of puke hit the back of their throats when it became apparent that Huether is:

    A. A Democrat
    B. A Hildebrand client/puppet.
    C. Getting money from Unions.
    D. Donated to people who they have serious problems with.

    If Kermit really wants to make a push to those people and not cede them to Mike, he should make an effort to start sounding like an actual pro business Republican and not so much like Ron Paul. Many are still in shock that their horse finished 3rd, 4th or 5th and I don’t know if any of those guys will endorse at this point or even who. Huether’s cheesed it up enough with them that I think even they know how full of shit he is. Kermit’s at least Kermit and they know his motives and know he isn’t trying to make his way to Pierre or DC someday.

    Here’s where the disconnect is at, many of the upper crust want the City to grow and they want to see the Quality of Life things that their last candidate advocated. A lot of these people have theirs and will be fine whoever’s in City Hall, kinda like they are fine no matter who occupies the White House. Most of these people want to see the pie get bigger because they are convinced that (not Govt.) is the way to the highest overall standard of living for everyone. They agree with Kermit on smaller Govt. & less regulation, but they also want someone who speaks their lingo and understands that there are certain investments a City can and should make as long as they can pay for them. Huether has done a better job on pushing the latter button, but as it sits now there is a defict of trust for the reasons I listed above.

  14. l3wis on April 17, 2010 at 8:35 am said:

    Those people who did not get their man in there, probably won’t vote. As for being worried about Kermit’s business experience, I will say this, he is not naive. But one thing I have learned about Kermit is that he is a great listener, and if the business community steps up a presents ideas, and they are good ones, he’ll move forward. Guaranteed.

  15. Sy, I hope you know that there are a couple different people posting under the “Scott” moniker.

  16. Yes, Scott, I capitalize you and not the other one when I reply. Congrats on the new store going in BTW.


    “and if the business community steps up a presents ideas, and they are good ones, he’ll move forward. Guaranteed.”

    And I’m sure they will if (and that’s a big if at this stage) Kermit wins. Most of these folks who came out last time want to & will vote again and I personally think at least 50% of them will make the call in the booth.

    Kermit will need to reach out to them if he wants to have a chance of them coming back to visit with him in the big boy chair. I was talking with someone very similar to Costner’s gal he was in line with in the last election. She doesn’t like Staggers but had no reason as to why, as I asked. She hasn’t followed the race or politics very closely, but somewhere along the way Staggers has rubbed her wrong, but her vote is in play because she didn’t know much about Mike either.

  17. l3wis on April 17, 2010 at 9:14 pm said:

    The media has really painted him as ‘anti-progressive’ and it is getting old. I told that to Patrick Lalley in an email on Friday.

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