6 Thoughts on “Let States Decide?

  1. Oh yes, the old “10th Amendment States’ Rights” card that many of our conservative friends like to use, even though, they know better than too. It is their way to “have their cake and eat it too.” It doesn’t matter whether it is the transgender issue, civil rights, guns or many other issues which require a national direction and solvency. Many of our conservative friends know better, but it is their ploy to try to keep a part of their base in control and happy.

    Personally, I thought we fought a war a long time ago about this and some states in rebellion lost. But some wish to resurrect the old Dixie flag from time to time, apparently, for political expediency and at the peril of human rights just as they did a hundred and fifty-six years ago….

  2. The D@ily Spin on February 25, 2017 at 6:04 pm said:

    Next there’ll be white and colored. There’s a simple solution. Assign restrooms ‘Men’ and ‘Other’. Men’s rooms have stand up urinals. Women’s don’t and it’s private stalls. Who cares what ‘Other’ sex organs are if it’s all private stalls. Isn’t this what transgender does now?

  3. How are the bathroom assignments handled at your house?

  4. anominous on February 26, 2017 at 1:46 pm said:

    My upcoming book, “The Porcelian Devil: Urinals and Other Plumbed Oddites or The Long Road to Pissing in Privacy in the State of South Dakota” has an entire chapter devoted to the cult of the communal piss-trough, a fixture preferred by the leaders of municipal and state government from time immemorial.

  5. the lowly independent on February 26, 2017 at 2:36 pm said:

    … yeah … hahahhaha, ever since I moved here to SD, I keep having to think about these issues that I thought were solved with a war that took place over 150 years ago… but SD wasn’t a state back then… so maybe that can work as an excuse

  6. So if I’m to understand you correct Lowly, your equating gender bathrooms with slavery.

    You are low.

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