Weeds? City Ordinances? What’s the difference?

Trust me, trying to dig up stuff about city council candidates isn’t something I spend a lot of time on, but someone pointed out to me that Tom Hurlbert, who is running for Sioux Falls city council central district, and who also is a co-host on Rock Garden tour may be violating Federal and State laws when it comes to campaigning.


Well, there is nothing wrong with him doing the show, their is also nothing wrong with airing the show online, the problem is since he announced he is running for public office, technically, the Rock Garden Show he appears in cannot be aired on publicly funded media sources, as it could appear as SDPTV is endorsing him as a candidate. The running of the show on SDPTV should be suspended until after the election.

I know, seems silly to think that a show that talks about weeds and Wall Drug would have anything to do with a city council race, but hey kids, that’s the rules.

One Thought on “Will Rock Garden Tour be pulled from SD Public TV?

  1. The D@ily Spin on January 18, 2018 at 3:50 pm said:

    Let it ride. He’s more legal than anything Huether. He hasn’t posted signs prematurely. What’s needed most is 4 new councilors. I just wish he’d run against Erickson.

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