I got a chuckle after finding this on Paul’s FB page, he says this;

One of the reasons I believe I was elected was my executive experience and CEO mentality that I campaigned on. That being said, it is my belief that every good CEO needs a strong #2. In my case, that is my Chief of Staff, Erica Beck.

Today, I am spending some time exploring how other organizations use this critical role to create efficiencies and progress. Sioux Falls is lucky to have someone of Erica’s caliber serving in City Hall. #OneSiouxFalls

While I agree we are lucky to have Beck (I think) wouldn’t have you defined her role before hiring her? I have heard that the some on the city council have requested a job description of Beck, Jason Reisdorfer (IT Specialist) and TJ Nelson (Deputy COS) and have yet to receive one.

2 Thoughts on “Mayor TenHaken decided he better research just what his COS does.

  1. D@ily Spin on January 7, 2019 at 6:58 pm said:

    Uh, wasn’t the best management team an individual named Debra Owen. At some point there has to be admission it took 3 positions to replace her.

  2. "Very Stable Genius" on January 7, 2019 at 10:33 pm said:

    He needs a Mick Mulvaney to run it all… And it would save money too… I also can’t wait for the City shutdown, because then what are the “Leadership Teams” going to do?….”Lead” the shutdown?

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