I got a chuckle after finding this on Paul’s FB page, he says this;

One of the reasons I believe I was elected was my executive experience and CEO mentality that I campaigned on. That being said, it is my belief that every good CEO needs a strong #2. In my case, that is my Chief of Staff, Erica Beck.

Today, I am spending some time exploring how other organizations use this critical role to create efficiencies and progress. Sioux Falls is lucky to have someone of Erica’s caliber serving in City Hall. #OneSiouxFalls

While I agree we are lucky to have Beck (I think) wouldn’t have you defined her role before hiring her? I have heard that the some on the city council have requested a job description of Beck, Jason Reisdorfer (IT Specialist) and TJ Nelson (Deputy COS) and have yet to receive one.

By l3wis

2 thoughts on “Mayor TenHaken decided he better research just what his COS does.”
  1. Uh, wasn’t the best management team an individual named Debra Owen. At some point there has to be admission it took 3 positions to replace her.

  2. He needs a Mick Mulvaney to run it all… And it would save money too… I also can’t wait for the City shutdown, because then what are the “Leadership Teams” going to do?….”Lead” the shutdown?

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