1st Amendment 1, Mayor 0.
During the council meeting tonight I was able to speak on the gifting audit (FF: 2:17:00). I first want to clarify, what I was talking about is what the city GIFTS to non-profits and this is NOT what the audit is for, so yeah, I was off topic, but no councilor corrected me. The audit is for gifts given to the city that have value, like the Brockhouse Animals. But I still think it was a pertinent topic to address in the same wheelhouse, the city giving millions away to non-profits with little accountability. Once again, just like clockwork the mayor tried to shut down my testimony because I was off topic. Well this time, the mayor got a tongue lashing from me, and when he tried another bite at the apple, he received another lashing, then sat back in his chair like the weak, ineffective leader he is. Maybe he brushed up on his 1st Amendment rights before the meeting, but I think he knows he was soundly beat, because I can almost taste that 1st Amendment lawsuit. Keep it up Poops, my list of people you interrupted is growing by the day, and they are a great bunch, might even say they are CLASS ACTION, uh I mean, CLASS ACTS.
I also spoke during public input (FF: 2:32:00) about the tax scheme the city tried to pull on citizens in the legislature for that stupid Riversh!t Pisstrict. I think I said it was a ‘snakey’ move. Which now I look back on and wonder why I don’t prepare my testimony like Chad Bishop. Oh, that’s right, it takes hours to research conspiracy theory sites and pull this together, I ain’t got time for that, meeting some friends for pizza in a basement to trade Chomsky and Marx books.