“Hi, I’m Tim Rave, please believe my BS! Pulhleeeeeeeze!”

Who doesn’t love the jobs, jobs, jobs, BS spewed by Republican state politicians?

Speaker of the House Rave is also critical of the Democrats call for no more no-bid contracts and doing away with tax breaks for projects like the TransCanada pipeline.

“Interesting they bring up TransCanada, the company that’s going to bring multiple jobs and money into our state by running a pipeline through the state,” Rave said.

What jobs are you talking about Tim? Environmental cleanup? Once the line is buried, done deal. No jobs. Good thing you live in Baltic, every town needs a village idiot.

As South DaCola has discussed before, the Koch brothers have funneled millions into the teabagger movement;

The Kochs are longtime libertarians who believe in drastically lower personal and corporate taxes, minimal social services for the needy, and much less oversight of industry—especially environmental regulation.

This is a fantastic article. I encourage every teabagger to read it, and to learn where their movement got started. Not on the backporch of some hillbilly pissed off at the government. It got started by a check from a couple of billionaire silver spoons who look down on people like you. You are merely chess pieces in their game.

This will have ramifications. As I told someone tonight, “Will he follow thru on his teabagger promises?” Remember, Obama used the fringe left to get himself elected then forgot about them after he took office (That’s okay, Steve got a job suckering the ‘Good People’ of Sioux Falls into voting for Huether (you know, the guy with the gay agenda – Mike, not Steve). Will Rand remember the teabaggers?

In the first race called Tuesday night, conservative insurgent Rand Paul — son of former GOP presidential candidate and Texas Rep. Ron Paul — defeated Secretary of State Trey Grayson in a Republican primary fight for the seat held by retiring GOP Sen. Jim Bunning.