
This race looks about as exciting as watching paint dry;

Three candidates will vie for two seats on the Sioux Falls School Board during next month’s election.


Board President Darin Daby is seeking re-election to a second term May 12.


“I think I’ve learned a bunch over the last three years, and think I can offer even more over the next three years,” said Daby, a 44-year-old private banker at U.S. Bank.

Parker, 35, works as a research specialist for the Department of Health. She has an undergraduate degree in education and a graduate school degree in public administration.

Married with two sons, ages 4 and 1, Parker has a particular interest in early childhood education.


“I think that’s going to be very important down the road,” she said. “I certainly think it’s something we as a community need to strive for.”

Deitschman, 39, is a senior paramedic at Rural/Metro Ambulance and a substitute teacher for the district.


He is married with three children: a high school graduate and one each in middle and elementary school. He said his varied experiences with the district would benefit the school board.

If I voted today, I would pick Daby and Deitschman. Hopefully more people would throw their hat in the ring.

21 Thoughts on “Need to kill some time? Run for the Sioux Falls School Board

  1. That Girl on May 4, 2009 at 6:16 pm said:

    Seems like you made your endorsements rather ignorantly and prematurely. Do you still stand by them?

    So, by supporting Deitschman, I guess you support school board candidates who advocate high schools participate in partisan political events like the Tea Party protests, huh?

  2. l3wis on May 4, 2009 at 11:59 pm said:

    “If I voted today, I would pick Daby and Deitschman.”

    I guess I would have to agree with you that it was ignorant, but I wouldn’t consider it an endorsement. I hope everyone studies the candidates before they vote. If it is any concellation, I think they are all duds.

  3. John Hanson on May 6, 2009 at 6:12 am said:

    Maybe you should run for school Board. Or would that be adding another dud to the list? I’m not sure why you called them duds. What is wrong with ordinary individuals who care running for office? Or are you just looking for someone to entertain you? Do you want more corrupt power hungry elitist who are already destroying our society?

  4. l3wis on May 6, 2009 at 6:27 am said:

    First off John, I do think politicians are entertaining, they certainly are not effective so at least they are good for a laugh (in case you haven’t noticed, that is the theme of this blog). Secondly, not sure what expertise I could bring to the board. I think my property taxes are pretty low and I don’t have or intend to have children and am very content with funding public education. I do have concerns with Homan who refuses to make tough decisions and breaks rules, but like I said, I don’t have kids in the district so it really doesn’t concern me. As for ‘ordinary people’ running for office, quite the contrary, I think all three are professionals in their fields with mountains of experience, hardly ‘ordinary people’ If I have one criticism is that Daby is a rubber stamper, and I think the board royally screwed up on the abortion ad thing, but hey, when you let Leslee Unruh run roughshot over this community what do you expect, you get what you deserve.

  5. That Girl on May 6, 2009 at 2:58 pm said:

    Interesting. So now you say that you think the board screwed up on the abortion ad situation, YET you don’t endorse (and yeah, to approve is to endorse — look it up if you need) the only candidate who actually had something intelligent to publically say about that incident?! I smell an ignorant misogynist.

  6. l3wis on May 6, 2009 at 3:41 pm said:

    You sure like to throw that ‘M’ word around a lot. Maybe instead of shaving your head every other day you should shave your armpits and legs once in awhile. I still laugh about the time you called one of my female contributors that word . . .

    Anyway, so you are saying I should endorse Kate because she was against that ad? Maybe I should learn more about her? Don’t yah think?

    Like I said, I haven’t been following this close because I don’t have kids and I think my property taxes are low, so I threw those two names out there. To be honest with you I think there should be more women in governing bodies instead of men, but I also like to judge a politician on what they stand for, not what is between their legs.

    If it makes you sleep any better, I won’t endorse any candidate on this blog and I probably won’t vote on Tuesday, I have a manicure appointment.

  7. Angry Guy on May 7, 2009 at 7:04 am said:

    Hey That Girl. You cry misogynist, and at the same time your post drips of misandry. I wonder what leaves you so bitter towards men that you would call a name like that. You have no idea where DL stands on womens rights. If you took a second to realize that your name calling might be unfounded, or at the very least tainted by your inability to see past the political snarkiness and the penis in his man-capris, you would realize that he is a caring and compassionate person that only is looking out for the community.
    Now STFU and go fix me a pot pie, bitch!

  8. Ghost of Dude on May 7, 2009 at 9:17 am said:

    Interesting game of musical chairs going on with three people and two seats.
    I’d lean towards the person with an actual education degree. Somehow, I think having that kind of knowledge on the board would be a good thing.
    Daby seems pretty sharp, but I don’t see what he brings to the table. To me, it just looks like he’s there to pad his resume and get his name out.
    i haven’t really heard much about Deitchman.

    That Girl – just because someone doesn’t support a female candidate doesn’t make them a misogynist. Busting that word out is a lot like busting out a Hitler reference in an online debate. It means you have nothing left to argue, so you’ve resorted to stupidity.

  9. That Girl on May 7, 2009 at 10:15 am said:

    Obviously just because a person doesn’t support the lone woman in a race does not make them a misogynist, however it’s not uncommon for Scott to take positions on this blog and not support them with any rationale. All I did was point out that it seemed suspect. And instead of providing a simple explanation, he dug himself a bigger hole. It’s very possible that this post was not a misogynistic one, but at very least, it most certainly was an ignorant one. Maybe it’s just me, but you can’t say “I care about x” and then support candidates who takes the opposite position. But then again what do I know? I’m just a girl.

    I’m very familiar with Scott’s positions on women’s rights and women in general. But I’m yet to see evidence of anything other than damage to the candidates and issues as well as empty words coming out of this guy.

  10. Ghost of Dude on May 7, 2009 at 11:49 am said:

    Maybe he’s not a single-issue voter. Most people aren’t.

  11. l3wis on May 7, 2009 at 12:12 pm said:

    This website is half & half. Half serious/half satire. It’s pretty clear from the above graphic of paint drying, I was being sarcastic. I hope to God that people don’t vote for a candidate based on my sarcasm, because if they do, they are the ignorant party.

    If you have a problem with satire, sarcasm, or just simply think I’m not funny, please, stop reading and commenting on this blog.

  12. EggBert on May 7, 2009 at 1:55 pm said:

    Dear sirs: EggBert’s entire family is predicting that voter turnout for this erection is going to be the highest turnout in the school chalkboard’s history. Although watching freshly painted boards dry is exciting to us, we think this erection is going to be as exciting as the time city councilperson Bob Schlitz beat up that young punk, road-rampage hippie!!! By the way, for what it’s worth, we are all voting writing in our chalkboard candidate -Pee Penny Sanford & Son…


    EggBert’s Back(pain)

  13. That Girl on May 7, 2009 at 3:10 pm said:

    I know plenty of activists that aren’t single-issue voters, Ghost of Dude.

    You’re right. I hate sarcasm and hilarity. Maybe you should actually read my posts at Dakota Women while you’re clipping photos from them, DL. Pretty sure that incident was the last time I commented here.

  14. l3wis on May 7, 2009 at 4:57 pm said:

    I am sincerely sorry I didn’t credit you, I didn’t realize at the time you made the screenshots, and in the future I will do that. And I will admit, your site is funny and think it is one of the better SD blogs. So in the future lets not get so worked up things, we should be on the same team when fighting these wacky conservatives.

  15. Angry Guy on May 7, 2009 at 9:26 pm said:

    Disclaimer: Nothing I write here reflects DL’s views or positions.

    Now that I have that out of the way, let’s get down to it. That Girl, you come around here waving your dick at us, nit-picking the stupid shit that we spew on this blog about a school board election that really doesn’t fucking matter, but cry like a bitch (ok, not really) when we start to call you out on being a misandronist name caller. I feel like you might be lurking on the internets, waiting to call out us dudes for being a misogynist when we so much as criticize a female in a position of power.

    Then, when things aren’t looking like we’re going to open your door for you and make nice, you bring up that one time that we hurt your feelings for not giving you due credit for something . I love the whole ‘not forgetting anything I can hold against you’ trait that women have. I bet DL hadn’t given that incident one fucking thought since the day after it happened. You know why. We’re dudes. That shit is trivial in the grand scheme of things. But you have a vagina, so that makes it ok to bring up the past and try to make a guy feel remorse, forcing the inevitable “I’m sincerely sorry” bullshit routine that DL rolled over and executed like a trained fucking circus animal. No offense, DL.

    That Girl, you’re as much of a chauvinist as I am, if not more.

    I’m still waiting on my pot pie.

  16. That Girl on May 8, 2009 at 3:58 pm said:

    Ugh, sigh. Where do I even begin after that ridiculousness?!

    1) I would argue that this school board election does matter. Plain and simple. I guess that’s a key difference between the yous and Is in the world.

    2) “Nitpicking?!” Check the transcript. I initially ASKED questions. Isn’t that the very thing you all preach here?

    3) If by “cry like a little bitch” you mean be reasonable and continue to stand my ground, I guess we’re on the same page here. Thanks for the multiple “bitch” insertions throughout these comments, though. 10 points for originality.

    4) With all the copyright/free speech/credit talk that goes on over here, you should expect anyone and everyone to point out happenings like the photo sitch(which, for the record, happened more than once). And if one of those photos hadn’t been found by another Dakota Woman in a historic newspaper, cut out, and scanned in to an electronic copy, it might have been a different story.

    5) Your whole last paragraph is just insensible diarrhea. I guess I didn’t know that just because I have a vagina I get certain perks. I’ll make sure to mention my “vagina discount” next time I’m at the movies. Thanks for the tip.

    6) Man. I’m so glad my co-bloggers at Dakota Women have more respect for me than to refer to my actions as “executed like a trained fucking circus animal.”

    6) Let’s get one thing clear: I didn’t come over here to start a fight or your 20 comment circle jerk. Next time I want to ask a reasonable question, call someone out on stealing a photo, or anything else over here, I’ll take this giant time suck into consideration.

    And on a closing note (and since the gloves are apparently off), go fuck yourself, Angry Guy (which, if this post is any indication of how you generally treat people in the world, I’m guessing you do a lot of).

  17. Kelsey on May 8, 2009 at 5:17 pm said:

    Now That Girl, how many times have I told you it’s a waste of time to argue with whackjobs like DooHickey — you never get anywhere and it just reinforces your worst fears about humanity. What a minute…this isn’t Voices Carry? I must’ve gotten confused by the frequent use of ‘bitch’ as a hilarious rejoinder.

  18. hosepheffer on May 8, 2009 at 10:25 pm said:

    “penis in his man-capris”

    eeewwwwww. sorry i caught on late but that made me spit pbr

  19. hosepheffer on May 8, 2009 at 10:40 pm said:

    “call someone out on stealing a photo”

    DW: DL used your reused teabagger photo, that you swindled from doohickeys fun little sing-song video, yet you accuse him of stealing? Kind of round about donchathink?

    Kind of reminds me of the powers of the GOP and the guy who lost, and the guy who lost to the guy who lost, and that dumb b@t*h from alaska.
    (i’m a girl, not a misogynist, just calling a spade a spade.)

  20. l3wis on May 9, 2009 at 10:12 am said:

    I have other blogs use my toons all the time without permission, I don’t care. If I create something original, I always put my name and URL on the image so people can find my site, I guess it is about getting traffic, not credit. So If you feel you have created something ‘original’ on DW, put your URL on it. I guess I just don’t see going to the library and paying a quarter to print off an old picture of Dr. Quacktorpractor off of the Microfiche and scanning it as anything ‘original’ on your part. So you put a little time in, great, do you want a cookie? Blogging is about sharing as much information as possible that the general public isn’t getting from the MSM. It’s also about sharing ideas and humor. It’s not worth getting your panties in a bunch over (or cod piece for that matter.)


  21. Angry Guy on May 11, 2009 at 5:27 am said:

    calmer than you are.

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