For all of you Obamaphiles still high on contraband pharmaceuticals and your messiah’s inauguration, here’s a chance to fund your illicit activities for some time: prove Obama’s a legit president and this lawyer will give you $100,000.

According to well-respected attorney, dentist, and real-estate broker Orly Taitz (someone with that many degrees should be taken seriously by you liberal elitists),  Obama is not eligible to be the president because he was born in Kenya to a man with British citizenship and a woman who wasn’t old enough at the time to transmit her US citizenship. The American eggs in her uterus must not have been fully mature until she was 21 or something. 

Until one of you leftist clowns comes up with something better, I’m using this document to prove you all wrong:



Go ahead and try to prove me wrong. I dare you!

Until then, I will be monitoring this website and many others from my underground home in an undisclosed location in Real America.

Minuteman out.

This gets funnier by the second. Pity Pants Pat over at the Wuss College posts a novel (again) about the kerfuffle over Lucas Leach’s decision to attack Scott Heidepriem over owning a Volkswagon (or something like that). In his long rant, not one mention of Dave Knudson’s almost identical resume to Scott’s, just more digging up the past that no one gives a rat’s ass about;

Geting back to the criticism, many of the same people who are howling about it in July of 2009 were doing the reverse in February and March 2008 when the South Dakota Democrats came after Steve Kirby. While Republicans did it with a press release this week, back then, people involved with the party and the Johnson campaign went so far as to not just criticize Steve Kirby’s success, but they staked out the Kirby home and stalked his family.

Well, sorry Pat, there is a difference, for one Kirby was running for a federal position not a state position, and YES he was going to announce, that’s why the Johnson camp was following him around. Rumor has it he had already filmed a TV spot in the Black Hills. I guess if I ‘wasn’t’ running for office, why would I film a TV commercial? Anyway, back to the topic at hand, when are you and the SD GOP going to discuss Scott’s twin brother, Dave Knudson?