
“What do you mean!?!? Virginia is full of liberals! It’s all black people!”

This is the quote I heard from a middle-aged woman from the bar at Minerva’s tonight (while I had my back turned to her talking to a friend about how the media is freaking out about the Republican sweep in Virginia on Tuesday night).

I did not respond, I turned around, chuckled, turned back around and pretended she did not exist. Then when I started talking about substitute teacher pay with my bar mate, she started in again, but I did not turn around and ignored her. After she left, one of the waitresses told me that the lady bitched earlier that FOX News was not playing on the TV. Go Figure.

Here’s the deal, I don’t have a problem with conservative and republican values, I have a problem with stupidity.

One Thought on “The Republican party really needs their members to take a test before they join

  1. I agree totally and sadly there is no shortage of stupid out there.

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