“We can’t make marijuana legal, we would be out of jobs”

Seems the coppers are getting worried, because they won’t have much to do after IM13 passes. So they keep making up shit to discourage people from voting for it;

The news release said Toby Hudson of Oregon and Paul Eddy of California were carrying 100 pounds of marijuana when they were arrested during a traffic stop just outside Rapid City in August. The Highway Patrol said the marijuana came from licensed medical growers from other states.

Marijuana is Marijuana. Doesn’t matter where it comes from or it’s use. Throwing the word ‘medical’ in front of it was definately a political game. Oh but it gets better. Milstead seems to think skateboarders will use pain from a previous accident to use the drug (nevermind mentioning people dying from Cancer or people with MS;

“I don’t think South Dakota is ready to let people smoke marijuana because they have an old skateboard injury,” he said.

No Mike. You PERSONALLY are not ready to allow people to smoke. Let South Dakotans make that decision. Seek out real crimes, like violent offenders, and leave the terminally ill alone.

10 Thoughts on “And they wonder why we call them ‘Pigs’?

  1. Buzz Evenrude on October 17, 2010 at 10:55 pm said:

    This used to be a fun place to stop to read up on local issues and enjoy a bit of satire. Lately its digressed it the following: Thune is bad, Noem is bad, Cops are bad and Councilor Jamison (and anything that he represents) is bad.
    Medical Marijuana is good. Steph is our Blessed Mother, and Doogard is the Devil…/sigh….same ol’, same ol’….at least throw us a curve ball once in awhile and make it fun again

  2. I think it is sad when the people who are paid to protect us (law enforcement) Use politically charged statements. You are right, it isn’t fun blogging about this stuff. BTW, I actually find myself agreeing with Greg more then I disagree with him these days, I just think Greg says some funny things now and then to the media. Not that it is bad, just humorous. I voted for Marking in the House race and voted for NO ONE in the governor’s race.

  3. It really is incredible how the HP have the local media under their control. Anytime they need something, they send out a press release that gets the Argus and KELO running to them. It’s the same tactic used a few years ago by the city’s lone “gang” cop – anytime the budget was coming up there would suddenly be a “shocking” story about graffiti.

  4. Ghost of Dude on October 18, 2010 at 9:02 am said:

    I wish we had enough reasonable, non-ignorant people in this state that we wouldn’t have to put this on the ballot as medical marijuana – but full legalization. There’s no reason for someone to go to jail for smoking/carrying/selling weed. None.

  5. Pingback: On the issues: Exploiting compassion to legalize weed

  6. Oh you one-issue silly gooses.

  7. Costner on October 18, 2010 at 2:26 pm said:

    Gotta love Steve Hickey’s take on the issue. Not only does he reference the terms “hippie” and “weed” in his riveting diatribe, but he also assumes everyone who is for legalization of medical marijuana is also pro-choice.

    That is a pretty broad brush, but since when did Steve put facts ahead of assumption. I’m continually amazed how the man can connect practically every issue to abortion – talk about a one-trick pony.

  8. i’m pretty sure smoking pot leads to abortion. or turns you gay. and god hates gay abortionists.

  9. And it never gets you laid, so you don’t have to worry about getting an abortion to begin with.

  10. Angry Guy on October 19, 2010 at 8:20 am said:

    I’m with GoD on this one… full on or nothing.
    Keeping MJ on the black market leads to abortions. Beacause Black Market MJ makes harder drugs more available.. hard drugs lead to debilitating addictions.. which leads to handjobs for a bump, BJs for 8balls and eventually she’ll find herself in a ‘just the tip’ situation… which leads to the inevitable visit to Planned Parentood

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