South DaCola

Everyone needs to sacrifice, just not the corporations coming to our state

Representative Hunhoff called Doogard out on his bullshit today;

Democratic legislative leaders on Thursday criticized South Dakota Gov. Dennis Daugaard’s plan to continue giving refunds on construction taxes to large industrial projects.

House Democratic Leader Bernie Hunhoff of Yankton said the Republican governor’s proposal could cost $15 million a year at a time when the money should instead be used to soften budget cuts in education and health care for poor people.

What amazes me  is that during these down times we cut education but think it is okay to give refunds to out of state corporations? South Dakota’s motto, “Big business first, citizens last.”

Daugaard and the Democrats have agreed the state should no longer give tax breaks to projects such as the TransCanada Keystone crude oil pipelines that would be built across South Dakota regardless of any tax refund.

Duh! Why did we to begin with? TransCanada HAS NO CHOICE they have to come thru South Dakota, what freaking incentive do they need? North Dakota and Nebraska didn’t give them squat.

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