What is the connection between councilors Erpenbach, Aguliar, Huether and the HR Department on this topic?

I don’t know, but I do suspect the local media is digging into it after getting their asses booted from a public building by the SFPD (they like to intimidate people at Carnegie).

There is also questions about the special election and the EC vote and questions about if we can move forward on the EC without voter approval? And the legalities of that. Who would have asked those questions as a city employee? Well, the only honest attorney working for our city, ironically our city clerk.

I think Mayor Huether found out quickly his charm could no longer fend off the inquiries of Debra Owen. So he did what King George would do when his wives wouldn’t supply male offspring.

I think John Lee Hooker sang it best, “The pot is on, and it’s cooking.”

I hope the mayor likes Crow.


28 Thoughts on “Connecting the dots on the termination of city clerk Debra Owen

  1. Did the city not just have a meeting about transparency?

    Then they pull this crap and eject everyone out of a public building. Lets all push a couple more buttons to see what it will take to enact marshal law?

  2. This is perplexing to say the least. All I can say is that with all respect the Mayor and the city need a new PR advisor. By all accounts I can find, Debra Owen was a dedicated servant who did great work.
    Since this hearing was held behind closed doors, I have no idea what brought on her being fired. It’s always remotely possible there was a really good reason and not revealing it is helping her save face. While its possible, I’m pretty doubtful on that – but I have to put it out there.
    No matter what though, its the appearance/impression that is causing me and I’m sure others a problem:
    1. A seemingly dedicated good worker is axed.
    2. We have no idea why.
    3. It happened close in time to the event center election which she was heading up the logistics for.
    4. After the vote, the press is kicked out of Carnegie Hall by the police. I cannot fathom a legitimate reason for doing this. It just creates a impression that the Mayor and Council don’t have the guts to defend their decision and are hiding something. Even if they aren’t its the IMPRESSION created.
    5. When the Mayor was asked by KELO late last night why they were kicked out, he gives a total non-sequiter non-answer “We took a personnel action last night…etc”. Didn’t address the direct question at all. Again it creates the impression something is being hidden and there is defensiveness.

    I think the Mayor really has one chance today. If I was his advisor I’d be telling him, just say something like “Last night we took an unfortunate personnel action. It was a mistake to have the press removed from Carnegie Hall. I apologize.” Anything else but admitting it was the wrong thing to do is going to just reinforce the impression that this was shady.

    The fact that 3 of the senior Councilors voted no and councilor Jamison put out such a strong statement opposing this, makes me REALLY wonder if there isn’t a political hatchet job at hand. The problem is with the actions of the last 24 hours even if there isn’t the impression is there and its pretty damaging to the Mayor and the Council I think.

    If you find out what is going on and why she was fired I sincerely hope you will post it to the extent you can and feel its appropriate.

  3. One more question – the Argus reports that police were asked by Mayor Huether to clear Carnegie Hall and that he gave no reason. So, if you are doing nothing illegal, simply on the Mayor’s request you can be kicked out? I’ve been to enough meetings and been around the reporters, I somehow doubt Jonathan Ellis, Kelly Bartnick or Ben Dunsmour were being disorderly or doing anything illegal. And the police will simply kick you out of a public venue on the Mayor’s say so with no reasoning? Perhaps there is city ordinance for this, but I’m a bit surprised. By that logic, why wouldn’t they kick out Tim Stanga after one of his weekly public input rants whenever it upsets the Mayor – even if he is being perfectly orderly and not doing anything to cause a disruption? Am I missing something?

  4. Totally agree, Greg. The mayor is NOT the commander-in-chief of the police department. I wonder how Huether is going to put his happy-town-good-folks spin on this debacle.

  5. It’s hilarious that the media was given the boot given how they have lapped at Huether’s feet from the moment he entered the race. He should know by now that all he has to do is wave his arms around and force out a tear or two and Kennecke’s juices start creating a puddle.

  6. Debra Owen’s husband, Dave, is the President of the South Dakota Chamber of Commerce and supports at-will employment and no show of cause for termination. Debra Owen got more of a hearing than her husband says employers should be required to give.

  7. i would guess that back in hemingson’s day, he wouldn’t put up with this from a sitting mayor, but nowadays, when news is just a filler between weather and commercials, the local press will do nothing. i wonder if the city is having a “shut up and listen” meeting this week?

  8. I have no idea what the justification was or is… but if it was one of those sensitive HR issues I can understand it not being a matter of public record and them not being able to allow the media to be part of the conversation.

    Like it or not, when it comes to terminations there is a certain amount of privacy involved. Not everything the city does behind closed doors is a conspiracy or done to keep the pubic in the dark. Sometimes they are just trying to prevent a lawsuit.

    It is fun to speculate, but until we know the reasoning behind it none of it really matters. If this was a HR type issue… I doubt we will ever know the full story.

  9. Snooki Palin on September 15, 2011 at 2:22 pm said:

    does anyone else smell something? something is up in city hall

  10. Greg – I have been followed and watched by a PO at a council meeting. They can be quite intimidating. Costner is right on one level, it may be something they can’t talk about. But not letting her defend herself and having the 3 senior councilors stand in her corner says a lot. Somethings up.

  11. We need to build the Event Center as part of an amusement park. Why don’t we keep the fair open all year and have it there?

  12. I see a lot of updates today on KELO and Argus. The new line is that they kicked everyone out so Debra wouldn’t have camera’s in her face. I don’t find that particularly convincing when there is more than one way out of Carnegie Hall and you just have to say no comment. Its not like you can’t go out the back door in the hallway as you enter the council chambers. Oh, and its interesting to note she did make a statement on camera outside of Carnegie Hall, so apparently she wasn’t too concerned about the media. I hope the media stays on this one. Where there’s smoke there may be fire. I’m still willing to concede it may be perfectly legit, there are just too many unanswered questions and oddities. I wonder if anyone, Debra Owen included, can comment on the matter from the state law perspective. Or, if she waives confidentiality and speaks if it can be discussed.

  13. That’s a bullshit excuse given Huether’s “no comments” last night.

  14. Public sector employees usually have some protections from at will firings. If they exist, these would be found in the City of Sioux Falls Employee handbook. I don’t like the jack-booted, ham-fisted removal of the media. It is not like they were trying to intrude upon the executive session. Somebody panicked and directed the cops to move em. That is complete BS. They have the right to lawfully and peaceably assemble at a public forum. Wish one of them would have said no, we have the right to remain. If the cops would have arrested them, Mikey would have just bought us a civil rights violation lawsuit. I’d like to know exactly what his role was, and whether or not it would provide grounds for his removal.

  15. I just heard two tidbits.

    The first one is a relief. Someone who attended both sessions said she did ‘nothing illegal’ by their account.

    The second I have heard from several people that during Monday nights exec session people sitting in Carnegie could hear the mayor yelling through the wall.

  16. Huether and the council’s main mistake (besides firing a good civil employee) was the removal of the media. If they hadn’t done that, the daily and the three TV crews would have dutifully read the press releases and only those of us on sites such as this one would be up in arms. Now it is a real story, although I know that KELO will care more about their involvement than anything that has to do with Deb.

  17. Dan Daily on September 15, 2011 at 6:19 pm said:

    Debra Owen for mayor. I knew there was a women meant to clean up Marxist city government. I’ve got the first $1000. Need another 499k to beat corrupt developers & restore democracy.

  18. Dan Daily on September 15, 2011 at 6:25 pm said:

    Time for the FBI to storm city hall Blogovich style & leave with Huether & Smith’s in cuffs.

  19. If the cops would have ignored Heuthers command to evacuate the hall, they would be sitting at 41st and I-29 asking for any spare change. The axe amn cometh

  20. I also heard Huether is lying about the council’s request to remove the media with police, that was his idea.

    I also see they may be in some legal trouble over the executive session:


    I think our new city attorney doesn’t know his ass from a hole in the ground, ironically Owen has called him out in public meetings several times. I think Mike wanted someone a little thick so he could manipulate them.

  21. I also see Staggers called Mike out on his BS:


  22. I also see Erpenbach is claiming Owen wasn’t honest or had integrity and that is why she was fired.


    Wow. If I was ever asked what city employee has the most integrity in the city, the first person I would mention would be Owen. Something fishy is going on and I hope the media keeps digging until they get the answers.

  23. Erp has some explaining to do. I so want to scream cat fight! Erp is letting her little power go to her head. The ruining my county quote was just a little

  24. If Deb wants people to know the story, she has every right to tell it. Considering she hasn’t come right out and given much detail I guess she just prefers it to remain blurry and full of speculation.

    I think the deeper story here is the fissure opening up in the Council. What is happening to create such a divide within their ranks? It isn’t the Events Center issue either since their support doesn’t align with the split, so there has to be more of an issue.

  25. Weak administration and a very weak city council. Time for new candidates!

  26. Pathloss on September 16, 2011 at 3:57 pm said:

    Something must be done about Huether and Home Rule Nazi government. Time for public demonstrations at City Hall. Flash Mobs?

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