This is erie;


Not sure what the person said in the previous council meeting, but it seemed they made a reference to Hitler and the city council. Kinda reminded me of the time a citizen called Bob Litz ‘A dictator’.

15 Thoughts on “Sioux Falls city council meeting? (H/T – Anthony R.)

  1. So the head of this meeting cuts him off because he didn’t like what this man was saying? Truth hurts.

  2. Elected officials act like kings not servants. Pretty sad when a priest calls your ass out about 1st Amendment rights.

  3. Look like a council member did the same thing and walked out as well. My confusion is over the clapping at the end of the video. Did the remaining citizens clap because of the effort to express one’s rights, or because they felt that the meeting was brought back to “order”?

  4. Well, it is Florida. They probably were still clapping that GW Bush stole the election.

  5. As for the councilor, I think she walked out because she agreed with the Priest, and told constituents to talk to her outside.

  6. andy traub on December 23, 2011 at 12:59 pm said:

    Free speech is a real *(%* sometimes but the alternative is well…this video.

  7. I hope going viral does some good for constitutional rights.

  8. Andy, had to chuckle that you applauded FREE speech while not actually spelling out BITCH. It’s okay on my site. Just don’t spell out Fuck, shit, ass, cunt or motherfucker, I may delete those comments.

  9. Thank GOD for free speech

  10. Jon – I would have to agree. The spread of popular religions like Christianity and Islam didn’t happen by people remaining silent.

  11. Pathloss on December 25, 2011 at 11:03 am said:

    Here, you’d be arrested. Try to work in an arm front raised ‘Heil Huether’ before being cuffed and led to the gas chamber.

  12. River Boy on December 26, 2011 at 7:46 am said:

    “Another crazy cracker, who forgot to take his meds. Hope I don’t have to taze him.”

  13. That would have been kinda of funny (sick) if they would have had to tackle a priest for speaking his mind.

  14. Analog Kid on December 28, 2011 at 9:50 pm said:

    He should have also reminded the clueless cops of their oath too..

  15. Thanks for clarifying Scott. I was more trying to keep to my beliefs –

    I fail at that often though.

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