Besides the breaking story of Pat Miller taking over for Pat Powers in the SOS’s office (Governor Miller’s 2nd wife), he also hired former Minnehaha county auditor Sue Roust as a temp employee. Stay tuned.

8 Thoughts on “Why did SOS state Gant hire Sue Roust

  1. In Gant’s defense, he actually thought her name was “Sue Roost” and he thought it would be neat to print up a “I Rule the Roost” bumper sticker for his Suburban.

    Plus hearing her name makes him think of KFC and fried chicken… so it was a win-win.

  2. RCJ confirms:

    Interesting that Gant has replaced political hound Lorenzen with someone who actually has experience running elections, just in time for November.

  3. Testor15 on August 16, 2012 at 11:12 am said:

    After the primary 2012 Mitchell debacle, Gant needed someone to train the tabulator operators how to do it. Roust already was available by phone to guide Litz through the process and by supplying him with a very well trained staff with working procedures.

  4. Anooner on August 16, 2012 at 12:10 pm said:

    He hired her because he needs someone there who knows what they are doing to cover his ass.

  5. Anooner – My exact thoughts. And if shit goes wrong, someone to blame.

  6. Anooner on August 16, 2012 at 2:24 pm said:

    BTW, after our little flap on the deputy-oath thing, I’m getting moderated over at PP’s. Which means of course, that Anooner is good for you, but only in moderation.

  7. I find it curious that the day the Lorenzo quits his interim replacement is hired immediately. What’s up with that?

  8. Testor15 on August 16, 2012 at 3:43 pm said:

    The fix was in before the repair truck was called.

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