I guess ADHOC(sp?) met on Friday about how to move forward and they meet with city administration (SAM) on Tuesday to iron out the details.

I guess this will not affect the SAM contract because it falls under ‘promotions’.

The interesting twist to this all is that the mayor has not signed the resolution yet. But I guess there is a stipulation that if he doesn’t sign it, it automatically goes into effect after a certain time period.

What amazes me the most is why would anyone be opposed to something so beneficial to our community? I remember when the safe-house for chronic alcoholics was being debated between the county and city council. The benefits and cost savings to the taxpayers was enormous, forget about just actually helping people. I look at this same way. This is a great economic boost to the community, teaching kids sustainability while they are exploring our community. You can’t put a price tag on it.

Mayor Huether, sign the resolution. You look foolish.

2 Thoughts on “Update on FREE bus rides for the youth

  1. He’s opposed to it because he can’t take credit for it. He’s using this time to figure out how he can do that.

  2. The Daily Spin on June 1, 2015 at 1:08 pm said:

    Isn’t the mayor’s vote only to break a council tie? The council voted unanimously for this. The mayor’s signature should not be required. SAM must implement without the mayor?

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