I would think so, with 10,334 rides provided and 358 passes obtained (that’s an average of about 29 rides per pass!) this was a great introduction to the transit system for our youth. Another program recently implemented was FREE rides for vets, which I also think is wonderful.

Councilors plan to revisit the program next year for the entire summer.

But isn’t this a little ironic that we are talking about paratransit being self-sufficient and raising rates while we are giving youth and veterans free rides, which I am all for. But let’s be fair and realistic. The paratransit ship can be tightened up without raising rates.

And speaking of FREE summer youth programs, whatever happened to the Huether Family indoor tennis facility providing free lessons to underpriviledged youth in our town? I haven’t heard about one single session held all summer. I think maybe it is time the city council requests the $500K in taxpayer money be given back to the citizens so we can spend it on something more wise.

2 Thoughts on “FREE Summer Transit rides for youth a success?

  1. The D@ily Spin on September 28, 2015 at 10:38 pm said:

    Sounds like a huge success for kids. I’m a vet but will not use it. I get around fine with Lyft trips. Once the city raises paratransit, Lyet wI’ll be cheaper. Talking to one driver, Uber listens to city BS but Lyft doesn’t. Drivers ignore city requirements and don’t collect sales tax.

  2. matt johnson on September 29, 2015 at 3:40 pm said:

    while I am not sure if rates should be increased modestly for para transit it is only fair to point out that even increased rates would only cover about 10 % of the cost of the service- hardly self sufficiency

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