When: Thursday, April 14  1:00 PM to 4 PM
Where: Sidewalk on the south side of 6th Street between Dakota Avenue and Main Avenue, occasionally walking south on both avenues in front of Representative Noem’s office and Senator Rounds’ office.
Restrictions: All participants must stay on the sidewalk. Do not interfere with any vehicles or pedestrian traffic. No waving of any signs out over the street.  No sound amplification devices.  Must obey City and State Laws.
Bring your signs, family, friends and any teamster members. If you are unable to stand you may bring a chair.
They will be protesting proposed changes in the Teamster’s pensions.


3 Thoughts on “Retired Teamster Protest, this Thursday

  1. i12doit on April 12, 2016 at 4:29 pm said:

    Notice that they are protesting by offices held by Republican’s? I wonder why that would be? Union Busters…

  2. We the consumers should have been protesting when the teamsters were making these bloated contracts.

    Simply put, union members didn’t pay in what they were guaranteed to be paid out. Who is suppose to pick up the tab now that these companies are out of business?

    Picketing anyone other than Teamster leadership is utterly stupid. Keep dragging that democratic dead mule you fools.

  3. The D@ily Spin on April 13, 2016 at 9:09 am said:

    They’ll blend in with the homeless. You’ll hardly notice. I suspect Huether will have them arrested and put in the jail the county pays for.

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