Last Wednesday (June 15) was the filing deadline for city council candidates to file their quarterly report. You may not think it is important, but this report has the final fundraising numbers before the election, and what funds may be left over for a future run.

I didn’t expect to see them online until Friday afternoon at the latest. I assumed that some candidates may have forgotten about the deadline and had to be called on Thursday.

Friday went by, but no postings online (though the city clerk admitted he did have all the reports and could be picked up in hard copy form at the clerk’s office). So now we are here on Monday, and if you check the listing online, only about half of the reports are up.

After our last experience with filing the reports, we would think the new city clerk learned a lesson about filing the reports in a timely manner. Especially a (very proud) retired military officer.

What’s that saying about not following orders?

Even if it takes a few days to file the reports online, in all fairness, they should have been filed at the same time. Ironic that the candidates that raised the least in the final days were put online before the big money boys. Coincidence?

Either way, very sloppy clerking.

One Thought on “Sioux Falls City Clerk’s office sloppy handling of finance reports

  1. The D@ily Spin on June 22, 2016 at 10:00 am said:

    Why have rules without compliance? The reason nobody pays attention is there are no penalties?

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