What’s hard about this:
. church exists,
. church building built in 1924,
. church is neighborhood anchor,
. church helps community,
. church wants to keep neighbors informed,
. church sign is worn out,
. church wants to replace sign,
. church can’t replace sign with similar,
. church decides to look at alternatives,
. church looks at newer technology,
. church decides on new technology,
. church wants sign to fit building design,
. church asks city permission to install new sign,
. church is fought by city and some neighbors,
. church fights back,
. church appeals to city council,
. church convinces city council to bite back,
. church and neighborhood win.

Congratulations Augustana Lutheran Church on getting your sign permission from the Sioux Falls City Council November 1, 2016.

One Thought on “Sign of the times

  1. The D@ily Spin on November 4, 2016 at 4:02 pm said:

    The council vote was 8 to zero overruling city planning. Amazing how Saddam-like swords 150′ and 50′ overhead are approved but a 26″ TV screen isn’t. Tells me there’s lots wrong with planning and zoning. Time to ask for resignations? To start, fire the big dumb goon code enforcers. Try diplomacy. Citizens want to comply. It was so pleasant to have so many humble citizens/congregation present. These are the people who live here and not on his own lake 70 miles NW.

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