Last night during public input (FF: 39:20), Matt Metzger attended the city council meeting and spoke about his disdain over being thrown under the bus to the media by Planning Department employee, Albert Schmidt. He said, it made him look like a freeloader for not paying city property taxes. But he explained that on 3 sides of his property, none of the land has been platted. He also said he pays for city water, and that Lincoln County plows his roads.

His testimony must have struck a nerve with someone because the planning department announced today that they will request a withdrawal of the Metzger annexation during the Jan. 3, 2017 regular meeting.

3 Thoughts on “The Metzger Annexation will probably be withdrawn

  1. The D@ily Spin on December 14, 2016 at 5:58 pm said:

    This thing was devious from the start. Doesn’t surprise me coming from a city that denies due process and regularly compromises individual liberty.

  2. Blasphemo on December 15, 2016 at 9:55 am said:

    Kudos to Councilor Stehly. She’s apparently a) the first one to recognize the deviousness of this action, and b) the leader with the right ethical & moral compass to initiate a call to Metzger, to alert him of the measure being placed on the Council Agenda.

    With every passing Informational & formal City Council Meeting, her influence confirms just how essential & righteous her “For ALL The Citizens” ethos really is. Congrats, too, to all the virtuous voters who swept her into office.

  3. Seems to me this could be easily fixed with a simple law.

    When all 4 sides of adjacent properties have been willfully annexed into a municipality, the non annexed property will be automatically annexed into the municipality.

    This takes all of the pressure off of the cities and the counties and places the burden on the landowners themselves.

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