I was actually laughing while listening to Greg and Mike, because you could tell they cooked this up off air.

Last week, Sioux Falls city councilor, Stehly was on B-N-B’s show talking about how the city used a consultant with a special van to rate our streets. For some reason or on purpose, Greg misunderstood Stehly thinking she was opposed to the consultant, and that wasn’t the point she was trying to make, she was against what Mark Cotter, head of Public Works was doing with that valuable information.

They essentially are going to let the really bad streets get worse and concentrate more on overlays, when Stehly believes we should concentrate more money on fixing the really bad streets.

B-N-B thought Stehly was trying to discredit Cotter and the consultant when it came to the evaluation, not at all. She simply was disagreeing with HIS decision to NOT fix the really bad roads. But Greg seemed to still have a burr up his ass about it this week and couldn’t resist to share (his side) of the story with the mayor, who simply chimed in (without even listening to what Stehly said).

I really laughed when MMM boldly said he was NOT going to let a councilor get away with saying these kind of things.

Oh, Mike, you are such a bad ass! Now go help Greg pack before the big auction.

6 Thoughts on “B-N-B & Hizzoner cook up a conspiracy about Stehly

  1. anonymous on March 29, 2017 at 6:37 pm said:

    Thank you Councilor Stehly for helping to make Mike Huether’s last year in office a memorable one!

  2. scott on March 29, 2017 at 8:21 pm said:

    radio must not pay enough.

  3. Why would anyone listen to that show? Why would anyone go on that show?

    Isn’t this the jackass that wont say the Argus of but then talks about articles within it?

  4. Blasphemo on March 29, 2017 at 9:40 pm said:

    I applaud Councilor Stehly’s efforts to be accessible to the public, to speak publicly about public policy agendas, and in speaking truth to power. I would encourage her, however, to avoid giving B-N-B content for his show by being a guest on his show. He is a joke of a radio personality, an uneducated fake, and clearly has no moral qualms about turning on a show guest or public figure after the fact when they have no opportunity to defend themselves. I urge you to acknowledge only media outlets other than KELO AM/FM, the management of which are obviously complicit in this slimy brand of radio theater. They’re most deserving of increasingly declining ratings & declining revenue.

  5. The D@ily Spin on March 30, 2017 at 8:38 am said:

    Uh, not letting a councilor get away with saying these things. Supposedly, councilors are for interjecting into sides of an argument. A mayor can’t deny they or the public free speech. He wants to eliminate public comment and councilors. Is it still a meeting with only Mike and his narcissist personality present?

  6. The D@ily Spin on March 30, 2017 at 8:41 am said:

    Is he mayor or an abusive kindergarten teacher?

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