South DaCola

Krebs & Johnson don’t hold a candle to Bjorkman

Tim Bjorkman announces candidacy for U.S. House

It’s only been one day since Bjorkman announced he is running for US Congress as a Democrat and the SD GOP Hate machine has already started in on him. For the most part I would probably be agreeing with some of their assaults on Democratic candidates, but with Bjorkman, (faux) insults is all they are going to have.

Just think about it? Put either Johnson’s or Krebs’ resume up against Mr. Bjorkman’s. An attorney turned judge who has compassion for the less fortunate, especially children.

Krebs is a failed shoe salesperson and Johnson, a press release writer for the governor (who quit his elected position to take the job).

The Dems finally have a contender that shouldn’t have any problem mopping the floor with either Krebs or Johnson. Hopefully Ann keeps her paws off the campaign.

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