4 Thoughts on “Mayor’s ‘Shut Up Listen’ July 24, 2017

  1. My computers catch all the city YouTube videos and automatically download them. In a review of the software this morning I saw the city had deleted this video already. Citizens should watch this video and comment on what he might have done to make him yank it so fast from the public.

  2. It looks like they decided we had full trees on “February 24, 2017” instead of “July 24, 2017”?

  3. The D@ily Spin on July 27, 2017 at 1:28 pm said:

    This is so staged. How many people knew when and where they could listen and learn? Why so many special interests and city representatives? This thing has become an infomercial.

  4. Ugh. Cannot wait to never see Huether in an elected role again.

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