At the informational meeting they have a couple of interesting topics. I have NO idea what they will cover since supporting documents are still in the top secret city hall vault.

Top Ten Projects & Refinancing the Lewis & Clark Bonds

I don’t even have an educated guess what the projects thing is about, but on the Lewis & Clark refinance, I am assuming we are getting a better interest rate on the $70 million dollar bond we took out to build a pipeline we get about 10% of our water from. I guess we will have to wait and see.

During the City Council Meeting, we have a host of big items.

Item#1, Approval of Contracts. Apparently we need to hire a consultant to tell us what to do with the Arena and Orpheum Theatre. Here is some free advice, BOOK EVENTS!

Item#2, Change Orders. I guess the Convention Center remodel isn’t going so smoothly, they need another $180K.

Item#5, 2nd Reading, Election changes. This is the item that Rolfing is going to offer the ridiculous amendment to change council races to a 51% threshold. I hope this fails, but with the way the council has been voting lately, who knows. Please come and testify against the insanity.

Item#7, 1st Reading. I believe this is the Lewis & Clark refinance.

Item#9, 1st Reading. Lloyd Companies unneeded TIF. You can also testify against this during the public input.

Item#12, Resolution for tax assessments for the DT BID tax.

I also guess the biking community will be testifying against the Right Turn Pedestrian signage during public input.

One Thought on “Sioux Falls City Council Agenda, Tuesday, September 12, 2017

  1. The D@ily Spin on September 11, 2017 at 9:02 pm said:

    More expenses, private give away, & civil rights infringement. When will there be something that’s public benefit?

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