10 Thoughts on “KELO TV Mayoral Interviews

  1. The D@ily Spin on March 19, 2018 at 11:02 pm said:

    Entenman is looking weary. Are there health problems? If he’s elected, maybe widen the door into the mayor’s office. I’m thinking Jolene and Greg in the runoff. What’s the point spread? I need to call my Booky.

  2. Patrick on March 20, 2018 at 7:07 pm said:

    Really only one comment so far? Whats everone thinking? Who so far seems to be the stronger candidate? I think TenHaken has more passion, I did like Jamisons comment about government transparency but I think he’d be better in an advisor role. KAJ has alot of experience too
    2. KAJ
    3. Jamison
    4. Loesch
    5. Gunn
    6. Enteman

    Just my opinion and ranking so far, whos voting April 10th to prove me wrong?

  3. Warren Phear on March 20, 2018 at 8:32 pm said:

    Patrick, tenhaken lost any of my support for him at the Trail Ridge get together. The 4 that were there all had feel good answers on all the usual topics. Then Vernon Brown threw a curveball. Question? Grade donald trumps performance? entenman and Anderson gave him a C. Jolene gave him an F. tenhaken gave him a B. B? That guy is not fit to be a dog catcher, let alone a president. Now, you might think that won’t make a lot of difference, but if he plans on getting any support at all from SF democrats, he will not get it with answers like that.

  4. But “ThuneHaken” sees Trump’s mistakes as mere “mulligans” like other fundamentalists do. So when you throw out the bad strokes your grade goes up as your golf score goes down…

    I can’t believe that Kenny gave Trump a “C.” Hell, Trump is a racist….. Just apply the duck test to him, if it isn’t already obvious to you…..

  5. mark schlaung on March 21, 2018 at 1:28 am said:

    Trump gets a A+ and screw the SD democrats, losers.

  6. l3wis on March 21, 2018 at 8:22 am said:

    A, B, C or F, I would have given him a big fat ZERO. I would have even said that I don’t pay attention to that loser and the loser town he lives in. When I see people posting on FB about some stupid crap he did that day it just turns me off from DC more and more everyday.

  7. Warren Phear on March 21, 2018 at 10:20 am said:

    Each candidate was asked to explain their grade. Kenny did give him a C, but, he also was not that kind in his remarks. Entenman was obviously playing both ends against the middle. Jolene, although I cannot recall exactly what she said, was the only candidate who pegged trump for what he really is. tenhakens grade was based on how “great” the business tax cuts were going to be, and how that would create the great reagan like trickle down.

    You might think this was an unnecessary trick question by Vernon Brown, but to me it tells me everything I need to know about a political aspirant. If you can apologize for degenerate like trump, then you are no better than he is.

  8. Paul loves to talk out of both sides of his ass. On one hand he wants the churches in SF to help out with social issues like homelessness and then on the other hand he defends president pussy grabber. Go figure.

  9. mark,

    Will he still be a winner, when he loses the Oval Office thanks to a porn star?

    Russian collusion is his Whitewater, but Stormy is his Monica…… And the Democrats will be in control of Congress next year…. And you don’t do something like that as “losers.”

  10. Patrick on March 22, 2018 at 6:16 pm said:

    I was not at the Trail Ridge appearances Warren Phear,
    Anyone that grades the Prez that high looses all my respect. What are the party affiliations of each of the mayoral candidates?

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