4 Thoughts on “NRA, Your time is up.

  1. D@ily Spin on July 27, 2018 at 12:01 pm said:

    The NRA should recruit a Stormy Daniels type. There’s a much better spokesmodel than the dumb Russian redhead. I can’t listen to a cold chunky brunette with a one minute hour glass. Bring back the buxom bouncing bikini babes firing machine guns? How do I convert my VHS to DVD or streaming?

  2. I wonder what “sparrow hunters” think of all of this? And can you really hunt a sparrow, or does the “sparrow” actually hunt you?…..And having Russians advocating gun rights is kind of like having Trump lovers advocate amnesty for foreigners, don’t you think?….


  3. i12doit on July 30, 2018 at 12:54 am said:

    NRA is in a losing battle. The youth are being liberalized in public schools by Unionized Teachers. Send in the NRA (New Russian Agent). It doesn’t take much to sway a Christian with a swinging dick to give up everything… Idiots! And Trump was worried about Transgender’s in the Military? Bassackwards…

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