Besides the fact that I ate more lamb chops and Baklava in one night than I probably have in my entire life, we got a lot of questions about Kristi Noem. The big question of the night was “Where did Billie go wrong?” Minnesota Democrats continue to be confused by the Republican stronghold we have in our state – me to.

10 Thoughts on “Blue Ball 2019

  1. Warren Phear on March 3, 2019 at 7:04 pm said:

    I can say I listen to about 80% of Thom Hartmanns podcasts, depending on the topic. The guy has great insight. Damn shame a local radio station can’t pick up his daily show. God knows this town, not this state, could stand some balance.

    Why the blue state Minnesota, red state SD? All of eastern SD, ND, Iowa, Wisc, and nearly all of Minn are about the same shade of purple. What makes Minn blue is two out of three Minn residents live in the Minneapolis St. Paul MSA. If two out of three SD residents lived in the SF MSA, this state would likely also be in the blue column.

  2. Warren Phear on March 3, 2019 at 7:21 pm said:

    Correction. If two out of three LIKELY SD voters lived in the SF MSA, the state would still belong to the trump party. SAD

  3. l3wis on March 3, 2019 at 7:22 pm said:

    WP, Thom is also a great person to talk to in person, incredibly cordial, and very interested in what you have to say. His speech Saturday night about the Trump ‘Cult’ was startling and spot on. I don’t think Sioux Falls listeners would understand him. Bruce and I had a fantastic conversation with one lady about why the Republican stronghold in SD exists. We told her it is because rural SD is full of right wing nuttery, and since most of SD is rural that is why they maintain power. I also said that the rest of the state thinks Sioux Falls is some kind of liberal bastion. I said, “I have lived in Sioux Falls since 1991 and I have struggled to meet a handful of liberals since than.” I did say though that SF is more moderate and progressive than the rest of the state, but certainly NOT liberal.

  4. D@ily Spin on March 3, 2019 at 7:57 pm said:

    Blue balls are a sure sign it’s time to see a doctor! Democrats fool around to much. Republicans get screwed with Trump.

  5. Warren Phear on March 3, 2019 at 8:36 pm said:

    As long as the “cult” has fox entertainment and hate radio, we will have a minority of people who will live in a universe completely removed from reality. I decided to listen to belfridge one morning last week after the Cohen hearings. Same six or seven callers. Same cult message. How this can possibly be happening is no longer lost on me. It happened in 1933 Germany. It is happening here now. Middle class germans needed to blame someone or some thing for why they were slipping into poverty. They found their messenger, hitler, and their enemy, Jews. We have our cult messenger, trump, and our imaginary enemy, immigrants. As long as this countries middle and lower middle class blame those in poverty for their slip into the same ranks, and not the oligarchs that run this country, we are in deep do do.

  6. matt johnson on March 4, 2019 at 12:59 pm said:

    Several thoughts- are the citizens of Sioux Falls too “stupid” to understand this commentator, but you “get” him; of course if we were interested in all the give aways we would vote liberal like Minneapolis/St Paul; finally I don’t remember a bigger cult than that for Obama- a peace prize for doing nothing and grade school children being taught songs of praise for him

  7. l3wis on March 4, 2019 at 1:52 pm said:

    MJ, go listen yourself and you be the judge;

  8. One only need to look at the names of the parties to see the problem.

    The Minnesota Democrats are the DFL, Democratic-Farmer-Labor party. South Dakota didn’t have the labor element in its history nor does it have the Non Partisan League (NPL) movement that both North Dakota and Minnesota had. North Dakota Democrats still have the NPL as part of their name.

    South Dakota Republicans planted the seeds for this red harvest a long time ago.

  9. sheepherder on March 4, 2019 at 5:22 pm said:

    I bet those lamb chops weren’t as good as your mom use to make them!!??

  10. matt johnson on March 5, 2019 at 5:49 pm said:

    how am I supposed to do that wis? you said we Sioux Fallsians are too dumb to understand him – any way you already told me that he has it spot on, but wait that is too much like a cult

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