I want to reassure everyone as a friend of Theresa Stehly’s, I have told her I would support her decision either way. I also know that she did not make the decision until recently, probably last night. I think it is fantastic she is running for re-election, and I think she will have no problem garnering enough votes to be re-elected

8 Thoughts on “Big ‘T’ is Running for Re-Election!

  1. This is great news. I’ll do all I can to assist in this effort.

    Thank you for fighting for the little guy!

  2. Taxpayer/Voter on February 19, 2020 at 3:40 pm said:

    You have my vote!

    I know from all of your previous efforts involving petition drives and campaigns for City Council that this will be a Grassroots Campaign.

    There will be no need for a Massive War Chest like your opponent’s.

    Now is the time everyone who supports you needs to step up and help out!

  3. she has my vote, as does pat starr.

  4. "Woodstock" on February 19, 2020 at 10:28 pm said:

    “I know, I and VSG are going to vote for her for sure”….

  5. SO HAPPY YOU ARE RUNNING. I know Howard Wood Neighborhood supports and I would love to gather signatures for you if needed!!!!! YEAH!!!!!!!

  6. already donated

  7. The mayor will not like that as some one who stands up for us.and is not a yes person like some other ones on the council.

  8. Great news.
    Sure! vote for her

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