You should see the castle being built on the other side of the park.

5 Thoughts on “Monster House becomes Monster addition

  1. "Very Stable Genius" on April 18, 2020 at 11:13 pm said:

    How is a historic district, historic, if it has new showcases?

    Is a historic district a preservation of something, or merely an investment opportunity to build upon, and or profit from?

    In theory, how will this all end, and what will we end up with?

    The McKennan Park area is slowly moving into a revisionist reality, but it isn’t taking on a new look or different look, but rather a new look which is nothing but grandeur than what it was. It’s like saying Washington was even a greater leader than thought, and then boosting his historical stature not with facts, but created facts.

    At some point, McKennan Park will be more Epcot, than historic truth. It is merely becoming a park, or a dreamland for the rich, while their laborers slave away.

  2. Second Avenue vs. Fourth Avenue on April 19, 2020 at 11:22 am said:

    It’s surprising how quiet the McKennan Park residents have been about the monstrous house going up at the corner of 4th Avenue and 26th Street!!

  3. Yeah, we were looking at it yesterday and found it funny the house takes up the entire lot. I guess the people building it must hate yard work. LOL.

  4. Fear & Loathing in Sioux Falls on April 19, 2020 at 12:00 pm said:

    I miss the previous house at 4th and 26th. With its precarious remodeling extension over the driveway, which made for a spacious carport that could accommodate even Cousin Eddie’s RV, quite well.

  5. anonymous on April 19, 2020 at 12:04 pm said:

    That lot is over an acre.

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