South DaCola

Reflecting on 2021 in Sioux Falls City Government, Part II

You will see a continuing trend in the current administration, a HATRED towards transparency and dozens of potential coverups;

• City leadership flexes their muscles when it comes to homelessness . . . uh, I mean . . . violent crime . . . uh, I mean . . . open government, uh, sorry, wrong again . . . ugly green cable boxes above the ground (even though the city approved these in advance).

• The SF Shopping News closes permanently and the Argus Leader closes printing operations in Sioux Falls and South Dakota and moves it out of state.

• Two lawyers, a pastor, a doctor, and a medical professional all announce they are running for city offices in 2022. But no plumbers.

• Denny Sanford is named in a child pornography investigation after media groups sued to get the information.

• Business owners in Sioux Falls somehow convince Mayor Poops to latch onto the new right-winger cheap ass Republican business owners talking point ‘wage inflation’ claiming if Sioux Falls businesses have to compete by paying more it will somehow destroy our business climate (you know, low wages and taxes for businesses willing to move here).

• TenHaken forms a Youth Council (an idea he stole from one of his opponents) and packs it with kids of his friends and city directors.

• A citizen advocate files two open meetings violations against the Mayor and City, it is still being investigated by the MC State’s Attorney office (I think he will throw it out).

• National media inquires about Mayor TenHaken’s ties to communist businessmen, he has not surprisingly remained silent.

• After a SouthDaCola foot soldier makes me aware of a Q-Anon bench in Yankton Trail Park, the placard mysteriously disappears (just like the panhandler electronic traffic sign).

• The area around the Bishop Dudley House continues to get worse with little to no attention from the media or city leadership.

• CountCilor Alex Jensen suggests the solution to our housing problems in Sioux Falls is to ask workers to live in surrounding towns instead of here.

• The Jesus Plows continue to reappear in Sioux Falls.

• City Council passes a valet service garbage ordinance to give garbage haulers the excuse to raise rates and they do it while violating their own 24 hour amendment presentation rule (Kiley).

• Sioux Falls residents lose their minds and wait hours in a drive thru for a chicken sandwich.

• Washington Pavilion has yet to release their 2020 annual report or what the CEO, Darrin Smith is getting paid.

• The Chief Cultural Officer for the city quits and the housing director mysteriously leaves the city.

• Murder at Gilberto’s still remains unsolved (even though the rumor is a suspect is being held). I am still puzzled why the SFPD has said very little about this incident.

• A private Sioux Falls Parks Foundation is created to find ways to funnel wealthy people’s money into the public parks system for projects they desire.

• The SF Chamber of Commerce and Convention and Visitors Bureau part ways with little to NO media coverage. I guess the negotiations behind closed doors were quite bitter.

• The city announces they are working on a plan to rebuild core neighborhoods (suspiciously only a couple of months from a city election).

• Appeal of Neitzert’s Ethics Hearing in Circuit Court gets thrown out.

• The city hits a record billion dollars in building permits with about 20-30% supported by taxpayers.

• The facade easement program gets brought back from the dead even though it shouldn’t have died with the Copper Lounge collapse.

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