7 Thoughts on “MORE Magazine interviews Leslee, and it’s not flattering

  1. hosenpheffer on August 12, 2008 at 6:45 am said:

    I think it’s funny in the article Leslee talks about having to hire ex-Hells Angles, now Bikes 4 Jesus, as security, but fails to say it was to protect her against PRO LIFE nut jobs like her.

  2. I love all the lies, didn’t she think that a magazine with a reputation like MORE, wouldn’t check sources? I guess she is used to dealing with our lazy, podunk MSM in SD, that never fact check.

  3. i think that it took a lot of guts for her to do a story like that. i would not want some reporter to do an indepth look at ME like that, especially if i was a polar opposite to the writer, and somebody who “shared my views” had killed their family member. given that, i think the writer was pretty objective actually!

    you have to admit, she is a very complex and interesting person. otherwise, they wouldn’t have done a story on her. thanks for the link.

  4. Sure, it takes guts, but why lie? It just makes her look crooked.

  5. Pro-life Volunteer on August 12, 2008 at 8:22 am said:

    I know Leslee well. I probably would have advised against this article. But, I think it shows a side of Leslee that nobody ever sees. The portion I read is well done, and I love the photo. Leslee is proud of her South Dakota roots – this photograph shows it.

    In her heart she truely wants a better life for teens, women, babies, families. It is because she has experienced and/or witnessed so much pain associated with promiscious sex, abortion, and child sexual abuse that seeks to eradicate these behaviors. Lover her; hate her; or love her AND hate her, you have to admire her tenacity and her drive. Leslee’s husband is fond of saying, “If you stand for nothing, you’ll fall for everything.” She definately stands for something: sexual responsibility (and, since no condom can protect your heart, and no one can predict when the condom will fail, and HPV is transmitted around the condom, wearing one is not “being responsible”). The fact that she does stand, and stands storng, is more than can ever be said about people.

  6. hosenpheffer on August 12, 2008 at 8:29 am said:

    Not sure if I would classify it as GUTS but more like OMNIPOTENCE.

  7. I commend Leslee for standing up for what she believes in, trust me on that. What I don’t agree with is her hypocritical actions, her lying and misleading and finally using my taxdollars to fund her ‘adventures’. If Leslee believes in her cause, as you claim she does, she will stop lying and misleading and stop using MY money to support it.

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