
What are the peasants up to now? We have watched the disdain the members of the dais have for the peasants who show up to share their thoughts.

Melanie Bliss let’s the council know how bad the economics are for Sioux Falls peasants oh… excuse me “workers”.

Roger Elgersma reminds us of how bad the infrastructure stuff is getting in Sioux Falls. You know the stuff like replacing the old lead water pipes and the crappy plastic pipe used over the years.

Tim Stanga in his refreshed eloquence had some thoughts on the poor wages the average workers receive and the lack of senior cost of living increases. Oh and by the way, we are having a city election everyone should be taking part in.

As David Zokaites sums it up for everyone with his analysis of police activities what do we hear in the background? Sirens… We get a dissertation on police activities and racism from around the world. Do we see a pattern here? David ends it with interesting comments, the peasants are in revolt?

One Thought on “Sioux Falls City Council Public Input, Feb 17, 2016

  1. Enough of shape places and mmm legacy on February 19, 2016 at 11:14 pm said:

    Me thinks his honor the mmm of van eps park could use another colonoscopy. Looking a bit bloated I think

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