
Wait?! That’s not a ditch in rural Iowa. Is this a legit press conference?

So a Republican friend calls me last night and asked if I saw Scott on Stormland TV. Then they speculated that he may be running for governor again since he is involved with this Gear UP lawsuit. I guess I would not go that far, but if Huether is running on the Democratic ticket, I would like to see a primary challenge from someone, even if it is two closet Republicans.

Scott Please, or anyone else, run against Huether.


3 Thoughts on “Get out the man purse. Is Heidi-Scott back?

  1. The D@ily Spin on June 1, 2016 at 5:23 pm said:

    Agreed. Huether’s a crook. I’m Indy and would normally favor a democrat. However, it’s important to prevent Huether oligarchy from spreading.

  2. No please tell me slick Mike isnt running,

  3. Al Anon on June 6, 2016 at 4:06 pm said:

    Huether is as Liberal as Sanders or Clinton, which is why he’s trying so hard to sell his “business acumen” to the voters of South Dakota.

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