Open government or not, here we go. This Sioux Falls City Council decision starts the official process requiring boards and commissions to post their meetings on line.

The public discussion part of this item on January 17, 2017 was started by Park Department Director Don Kearney when he jumped to the front of the line and gave the mayor’s well rehearsed talking points. When Liz, Scott and Bruce finished the mayor once again had interject with pre-discussion commentary toward David Zokaties. Once David finished we had another Ferris moment when the mayor decided to call out Tim Stanga. What is it about the mayor? Why can’t people just attend City Council and not be harassed by him?

Based on experience with this administration, they will either:
1. spend another $60,000 on equipment and a staffer to operate it or
2. they will go to the Kmart clearance sale to buy a recorder to prove it won’t work.

In this discussion opponents stress:
* The burden of operating a video camera (even though they have been shown how easy it is to setup and record).
*The mental pressure on members being recording (if public scrutiny is too much, go home and someone else will take their place).
* The ability of media or malicious people to snip clips and use them out of context (as if this can’t happen now).
* Don’t just do the Park Board, do all 44 citizen boards (all we can say is YES!!!! but do them all once the routine is perfected).

Cameraman Bruce is looking forward to being at a few of these meetings just to record them. If the bloated Parks Department budget can’t find a few dollars to buy a decent camcorder and instead uses a crappy tape recorder to try and prove their point, we will be comparing the results of both. We know this mayor always plans to fail when he needs to prove a point and plans to win at all costs when he needs too.

As a side note, when you watch or attend most city board meetings you will find the comfortable nature of the participants shows many of the decisions were probably made long before the public displays.

6 Thoughts on “Video or not here we go (Jan 17, 2016)

  1. Well, it’s like I told the city when they sent out Brad Heartman (i believe was his name) as a code enforcement officer for the city. This guy was hell bent on attacking people for the most petty things as though you were a terrible criminal for having a small utility trailer on the side of your house. Now, out of fairness, I do believe in having codes and enforcing them. Specially when it involves causing someone else a hazard or brings down property value. However, if I could of had a hidden video camera to show they way this guy approached me, it would of showed the uncivilized way of this guy’s tact to show the heads what he was doing. Long story short. I called his boss to express the fact that they were sending out a guy that had no business being code officer. I mean you (the city) ask me to trim a tree back, I cut it down. You asked me to replace one peace of sidewalk, I replaced three. I keep my house up to date, mow my lawn once a week and even clean my own gutter and any trash that ends up in my yard. Now why are you sending out this guy to attack me? I mean where am I suppose to put my trailer? His answer was pathetic, however he did state that he was getting a lot of complaints (go figure). Eventually, the guy ended up giving me a ticket. I’m thinking, this is so ridiculous I should have no problems fighting it because the trailer was being used as I was remodeling my kitchen and not just siting there. Went to trial, walked in the room and could feel the hate this guy had for me as well as the city attorney for even trying to fight it. After explaining my disposition, the citizen appointee was very understanding as thought he was going to rule on my side. However, when he looked over at Heartman and the city attorney they looked at him as though you better let this go through are we’re going to take you out to the back-ally. All because they wanted to make sure that I knew who was in charge. When I went to give them there unjustifiable $100 I told the head’s that IT’S EASY TO SPILL THE MILK BUT, IT’S HARDER TO GET IT BACK IN THE GLASS! My point to all this…. Weather they record or note, I could care a less………….. I’ve lost all respect for this city.

  2. matt johnson on January 20, 2017 at 3:46 pm said:

    I think it is ordinance now but didn’t the parks post no smoking signs in the past without council action? If so then M E is wrong about no policy coming from that board

  3. JD, Dan Daily is known for his comments concerning the unconstitutional administrative fine system in Sioux falls. I agree with him and used the 2nd Judicial Court to defeat the city in September 2014 after they arrested me, booked me and we went to trial.


    Judge Joni Cutler found me innocent of all counts. Follow Dan Daily’s advice and require the city attorney to take you to SD Circuit Court. If properly addressed in a real court of law, you will be found innocent.

  4. The D@ily Spin on January 21, 2017 at 9:57 am said:

    JD, shouldn’t have paid the fine. Been there with Hartman. He attacked me in a public hearing at city hall. They ignore complaints. They don’t care about the trailer, they’re after the $100. City is broke so they turn citizens upside down and shake out coins. What people don’t know is you can ignore them! They don’t allow appeals into court. Therefore, they can’t use a court to make you move your trailer or collect a fine. Next time, be nice with a big wide smile but ignore the city bouncer.

  5. The D@ily Spin on January 21, 2017 at 10:24 am said:

    I’ve thought about a formal tax exempt ‘Citizens for Integrity’. Nonprofit with contractors who show up at all city meetings with a camcorder. Post on a special website and on YouTube. Solicit contributions from citizens while also providing they with help for dealing with corrupt city government.

    You can’t fight city hall but you can sure make them look bad.

  6. The D@ily Spin on January 21, 2017 at 10:37 am said:

    Don’t taze the code enforcer. Rather, get a restraining order or appear as a witness when he assaults someone else.

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