I take the bike trail to work for a reason, it’s a little longer distance but it is a lot faster and 100 times safer then riding on the streets of Sioux Falls. I’m pretty fortunate, I live about 4 blocks from it and when I get off of it, it is two blocks to my office. For the most part, it’s an easy ride (flat) and has little interruptions or unsafe situations (except for your occassional soccer moms parked on the trail with their strollers talking about a sale at TJ Maxx, then acting so surprised when a bike comes up on them, and they say things like ‘Oh My.’) I also encounter the occassional arm flailer-speed walker, they come in both men and women, and usually wear big ugly sweatpants. They have those radio headsets on and they are probably listening to Rush Limbaugh or NPR. But yesterday I saw a couple of punks riding motorized scooters on the bike trail (this of course is illegal and very unsafe). If I would have saw them sooner they would have gotten a closeline. I yelled at them and was very disappointed, because now the bike trails are not even safe from traffic. Shortly after they whizzed by, a motorcycle cop came flying by, someone must have called it it. If I wasn’t on my way to work, I think I would have turned around and observed them being arrested or at least ticketed for their obvious stupidity.

Don’t ride your scooter on the bike trail; jackass.

3 Thoughts on “Try not to be a dumb-dumb head

  1. Anon from DWC on June 4, 2008 at 8:00 pm said:

    I will be riding my scooter on your bike trail again tomorrow

  2. l3wis on June 5, 2008 at 6:53 am said:

    Get ready for your closeline.

  3. Some Dude on June 5, 2008 at 7:21 am said:

    Get ready to be clotheslined twice.

    I can take the bike trail for about 80% of my commute. Most of the rest is on W 49th St. That part sucks. I’m just glad there’s a walk button where I cross Louise.

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