13 Thoughts on “Rhino Roundups, Bird Barns and Monkey Meadows

  1. John on May 19, 2009 at 4:45 am said:

    Borrow and spend Dave. I am sure he told us he was a fiscal conservative!

  2. l3wis on May 19, 2009 at 5:54 am said:

    No, but him and Eugene ‘Mongomery Burns’ Rowenhorst double teamed Costello trying to spin the loans. Pat pointed out that interest rates could go down in 6 weeks, he also was weary because Sioux Falls tax collections keep going down. Like most trends in this country, things always hit us last, and the recession is here. Quen Be De had a funny statement though, “We have $35 million in surplus.” While I beleive that is true, who gives a shit when the city NOW is about $340 million in debt after this bond was approved. Or $305 million if you go with De’s standards.

  3. John on May 19, 2009 at 6:27 am said:

    The Queen makes me laugh. She is going to be so fun to have as the first lady of SD! The media will have a story every day! Oh my the tea parties we will have!

  4. l3wis on May 19, 2009 at 6:34 am said:

    Yup, and her saying of the night, “All of these projects are way past due! We have been talking about this stuff before I was even born.”

  5. Ghost of Dude on May 19, 2009 at 7:24 am said:

    Comparing anything they want to do here to the riverwalk in San Antonio is ludicrous at best. The riverwalk in SA has clubs, bars, awesome restaurants, a large upscale mall, nice hotels, and, most importantly, lots of customers – not to mention it doesn’t stink like morrel’s. Use the river as a city attraction – that’s a great idea. But stop pretending it will ever be a nice place to hang out unless they build the new EC right there. If it ends up being a two block trail with a footbridge and some faux old-timey streetlights with a fancy sounding name and nothing but a parking lot and cherapa place next to it, then f*ck it.

  6. l3wis on May 19, 2009 at 7:36 am said:

    Hey, Hey, Hey. Are you against progress? Apparently so. I’m go to label you anti-development and growth because you don’t support spending buckets of tax money for handouts to DT business owners.

    I see Stogeez just couldn’t wait. He was the first person to get his patio poured and already has it open even before the street is done. What a crybaby.

  7. Posh or not, SA was smart as hell to pump the money they did into it. When you think SA you think of two things: The Alamo & their Riverwalk. They didn’t do that to attract wealthy locals, they did it to attract wealthy visitors.

    Beyond the Falls, I’d like to see SF start to be known for something other than cattle & credit cards.

  8. & the Dude is dead on. The EC is key, what comes in behind it will take us to the next level.

    It isn’t about augmenting existing DT businesses, although that will happen. It’s about bringing the cool, new stuff in that will one up the existing ones where they either improve or go away.

  9. l3wis on May 19, 2009 at 8:15 am said:

    Sy- The business owners in SA also got millions in Federal grants and loans to upgrade the riverwalk. I have always felt the river greenway is the responsibility of the CORPS, first and foremost, there should be an equal partnership between the business owners, the city and the Feds. In other words for every $3 dollars spent a dollar should come from each of them. Right now it is coming from the city only in the form of borrowed money. That’s irresponsible.

  10. I agree, we should be getting some help from the Feds. But dealing with the Corpse of Mousekateers is a friggin’ nightmare as we’ve seen with the Dykes and Mighty Mo.

    But pulling money from only DT business owners would put them at a disadvantage over the rest of the City, whereas the entire City benefits from having the improved Greenway.

  11. l3wis on May 19, 2009 at 8:43 am said:

    You know, our community development department used to be very good and well financed, but I think BUSH’s cuts have really affected the Federal money coming in for those projects. It is unfortunate.

  12. EggBert on May 19, 2009 at 10:33 am said:

    Dear sirs & sirens:

    We missed WASTING OUR TIME attending in person or viewing of the city council meeting on the beloved city’s TV channel 666 as we TRUST THEM TO MAKE THE RIGHT DECISIONS (unlike you ill-informed, liberal punks) were watching “This Week In NASCAR” and flipping channels during commercials to ABC,123’s “Dancing With The Stars” & OKELY-SCB-DOKELY’s “John Hagge’s Spiritual Orgasm-Supplement Show” and then after 8PM we JUST HAD to watch an all-evening marathon of “Golden Girls” on the WEE WEE Channel AND flipped channels during the commercials to “WWE Monday Night RAW” on TNTNOTtheMOMMA.

    Apparently we were busy with important matters and you idiots were NOT – take a chill pill and quit your city administration/leadership bitchin’, you beeeetches, you –


    EggBert family & mostly, Neighbor, Creamy Nugent’s authentic TV-LOVIN’ bitch, Pubes.

  13. l3wis on May 19, 2009 at 11:23 am said:

    “John Hagge’s Spiritual Orgasm-Supplement Show”

    Sounds like something I need to tune into.

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