6 Thoughts on “OPEN THREAD

  1. Ghost of Dude on March 12, 2010 at 9:43 am said:

    Nothing says safety like banning snowglobes, peeking under everyone’s clothes, banning toiletries in bottles bigger than 2oz, bottled drinks, and getting up to pee an hour before landing (hey, at least the last two kind of work together).
    Does anyone here actually feel safer knowing that great-grandma isn’t hiding a dirty bomb in her depends?
    The security theatre needs to stop. The only things that have made air travel safer from terror attacks since 9-11 are the bomb/explosives detection equipment, locked cabin doors in airplanes, and passengers who will now fight these nutjobs to the death if they try anything. Everything else can go take a flying f*ck at a rolling donut.

  2. Costner on March 12, 2010 at 3:01 pm said:

    I agree… and I watch 60 Minutes too so I know all about the “Security Theater”.

    It is to the point where it is easier to just stay home or drive. The whole “remove your shoes and belt and everything in your pockets while standing on one leg and rubbing your belly” ordeal is just silly and adds no value.

    The best part is the godlike attitude displayed by TSA employees. They are under the misguided notion that they are actually in control of the situation and that they hold power over the passengers. If they only knew.

  3. It is complete bullshit. That is all I have to say about it.

  4. Poly43 on March 13, 2010 at 6:28 am said:

    Everything else can go take a flying f*ck at a rolling donut.

    As a frequent flier back in the days when I had a J-O-B, your observation is pretty much correct. I’ve seen it all. Most I’d like to forget. One time an older lady could not pass thru the metal detector without taking the rings off her fingers and putting them in a tray. She was visibly flustered, did as she was told, and five minutes later a security guard was looking for the person who left behind her personal items. This I seen happen many times as I’m sure those who do any travelling can also attest.

    Was in Lindbergh Field airport, OKC one time and seen what for me was the ultimate. I was in line, getting ready for the 3 minute clusterfuck that awaits any traveller, when I struck up a conversation with a couple in front of me sending there daughter off to Iraq for the first time. It was an anxious moment for all three as you can imagine. The parents, because of their daughters circumstance were allowed to follow their daughter to the gate. Fine enough. Then everything went to hell in a hurry. The young soldier, dressed in desert fatigues could not get thru security. She had orders and a military ID in hand, and she was first given the full body wand treatment. Still no pass, then told to take off her combat boots, belt, anything and everything that could possibly set off the sirens. (This was pre shoe bomber days) When I left, the soldier was in near tears and the parents were outraged.

    Broken electronics in this mad scramble. Body wanded. Forgotten personal items left behind. It happens ALL THE TIME. Whenever I travel now and witness this BS I always have to ask myself, Who is winning the war on terror?

  5. Poly43 on March 13, 2010 at 10:27 am said:

    Just another one of those things that make you go hmmmmmm.


  6. Plaintiff Guy on March 14, 2010 at 1:04 pm said:

    Terrorists need sex toys too. Let them have their snowglobes.

    TSA is a joke. Reminds me of the city code enforcer. It’s nearly impossible to not laugh in their face. Some day they’ll have something important to do, like change their own depends. To keep us safe, don’t ever give Barney his bullet.

    History will regard Osama Bin Ladin as a military genious. Someone who spends less than a million yet brings the world’s wealthiest nation to its knees to the tune of 10 trillion should be studied. Perhaps a Ladin Degree from West Point.

    I don’t feel safe when an Al Quada operative worked at 5 US nuclear power plants before he was discovered.

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