‘Just because the cool kids are doing it, doesn’t mean you should.

and they will pressure you.’

(yes, I walked in on the drug talk at a table)

(and yes they really said that) over steak and lobster.

Ironically, Mom and Dad were probably the cool kids. Still wearing hippy jewelry and driving a Prius.

‘Son, if you want to smoke pot, smoke it with us.’

S. L. Ehrisman (c) 11/17/10

One Thought on “The Ugly Table (#6)

  1. Pathloss on November 18, 2010 at 7:54 am said:

    Move to California where 99 plants per 100 square feet and 3 pounds in possession is legal. SD will be dead last (again) when it comes to semi-legalizing marijuana. I don’t need it and I don’t do it but it could be a principal and richly taxed agri-business.

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