You would have thought after the state legislature told municipalities that they cannot raise taxes to build ‘whateverthey would have gotten the clue, apparently not. According to the SF City Council’s LEGISLATIVE PRIORITIES (Item #8);

The Sioux Falls City Council strongly encourages the legislature to enact legislation enabling municipalities to levy a local option tax, to raise funds for a specified purpose, to include a sunset clause, and to be voted on by the citizens.

C’mon already. People don’t want regressive sales taxes raised to build monkey crappers. Wanna improve SF? Enact a strict and heavy corporate tax on all the bottom-feeding, scum-sucking national companies that come here and take advantage of high productivity and low wages. Milk them for all they are worth so you can pay for your EC’s, HR’s and BJ’s.

2 Thoughts on “Seems the SF City Council still has a hard-on over taxing us more.

  1. They didn’t have a problem raising $1.5 million new tax (pillow tax). And then turned it over to the Chamber. What’s another tax anyway?

  2. No kidding? Huh?

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