South DaCola

And the big surprise is?


“And were walking.”

Okay, for over a month the media has been blabbing about the governor making 10% cuts across the board, and guess what he did today?

Gov. Dennis Daugaard’s proposed budget would cut at least 10 percent from virtually every corner of state government.

I just wish for once SD Republicans would be a bit more mysterious.

The 10 percent cuts to K-12 education and Medicaid providers are 5 percent higher than what Gov. Mike Rounds proposed before leaving.

Oh, let’s cut education and healthcare. Goody-Goody. Because, godammit, during a recession nobody deserves doctors and books, that’s silly talk. In fact, this would be the time to increase those two expenditures by 4x and cut slush funds like tourism, FTE’s and no-bid contracts.

But hey, dumb, sick people work cheap, contractors who donate to gubertorial campaigns do not.

Dennis Doogard. Nothing new here, please move along.

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